Installation instructions:
- Download and install the Anaconda Python 3 distribution.
NOTE: Install for your use only in your user directory.
This installation does not require any administrative privileges.
Additionally, if you ever encounter any issues with Anaconda or python, simply drag the anaconda3 folder or directory, that is in your home directory, to the trash and reinstall.
- the multiple sequence alignment software muscle needs to be installed and runnable from the command line. If you have not installed muscle yet, after you have installed the Anaconda distribution you can install muscle by following the direction here:
In summary, add channels to the condo installer by typing:
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge $ conda config --add channels defaults $ conda config --add channels r $ conda config --add channels bioconda
Then install muscle:
$ conda install muscle
You can confirm that muscle is installed by typing 'which muscle' on the command line. You should get a path similiar to:
Copy the script to any folder in your directory
From the terminal or command line run the script like this:
$python python -f ./path/to/data_file.fasta
To get help type: $ python --h
You will see:
$ python --h usage: python -f input_file
The norovirus variability script will plot the variability of norovirus proteins.
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
Required: -f FILE, --input_file FILE The nucleotide or amino acid sequence file to be analyzed
Options: -t SEQUENCE_TYPE, --sequence_type SEQUENCE_TYPE The format of the sequence file (options: "protein", "nucleotide"). -s SEPARATOR, --separator SEPARATOR The separator used in the description. (default '/')? -y YEAR_POSITION, --year_position YEAR_POSITION The position (working backwards) of the year in the description (default: -2).
Examples of usage:
$ python -f ./2017_data/GII.2_FINAL2017_VP1_c_reviewed_n134_AA.fas
When running the script to create a log folder and output folder. Output is saved in the output directory.
Burke Squires