Let point shape be a dimension of mark: point in panelplot
Allow point size to be a configurable dimension of mark: point in PanelPlot
Make panelDate better
Add create team prompt in create project page
Update to latest sweep version with nested configs
W&B authentication extension for weave python service
Redirect users to login when commenting on reports
Render message instead of forever spinner for unknown media types
Return history rows for metrics with explicit nulls
Don't invert run log colors in night mode
Prevent logged-in users from claiming invites
Table Column Selector correctly handles searching, groupBy columns
Parallel coordinates plot supports nested sweep param
Custom charts performance improvement
Show sidebar when project has no artifacts
Link Artifact on Run Model Page shows Collection Names
Table Column Selector correctly handles searching, groupBy columns
Onboarding - omit prod monitoring option and rephrase collaboration copy for Tool opts question
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