QrCode helper allows you to render QrCodes on your Yii2 applications.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require 2amigos/yii2-qrcode-helper:~1.0
or add
"2amigos/yii2-qrcode-helper" : "~1.0"
to the require section of your application's composer.json
The helper comes with some format helper classes that will help you to create the different type of QrCodes that a mobile phone scanner will understand.
The library comes with the following formats:
- Bitcoin
- BookMark
- Geo
- iCal
- MailMessage
- MailTo
- MeCard
- Phone
- Sms
- vCard
- Wifi
- Youtube
There are many more out there, we hope the community will helps us improve the library with facebook
, google maps
, and market
links. If not, we will add them whenever we have time :)
To render the qrcode, add this to your HTML page:
<img src="<?= Url::to(['route/qrcode'])?>" />
Now, use it on your action:
use doamigos\qrcode\formats\MailTo;
use dosamigos\qrcode\QrCode;
\\ ...
public function actionQrcode() {
$mailTo = new MailTo(['email' => 'email@example.com']);
return QrCode::png($mailTo->getText());
// you could also use the following
// return return QrCode::png($mailTo);
That's it, you should have a beautiful QrCode image on your website.
$ phpunit
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