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Archived Events Map Echelon Setup

FatDogCube edited this page Jul 6, 2022 · 8 revisions

This page is for archived events. Maps exist for them but are not in use due to the event not being active.


Va11-4 - Chicken Breast (Sei/Platinum medals/Shop currency)

Echelon 1: Farm team (Eg 1AR)
Echelon 2: Dummy

Va11-5 - Fear of Public Speaking (Kord/Platinum medals/Shop currency)

Echelon 1: Farm team (Eg 1HG2AR)

DJ Max - Glory Day collab

DJMax 1-1 (Thunder / Daily Currency / Nova Medals)

1HG (level 100) or any combat echelon above 5k power.

Far Side of the Sea

**All maps farm daily shells for the exchange shop and use; **

**Echelon 1: Farm team **

Note: Set you repair threshold to 80% if your farm team wants to repair when a doll loses a link

FSOTS-1 / Island Getaway (Mk 12, Nova Medals)


FSOTS-2 / Wheel of Fortune (Python, Platinum Medals)

Occasionally this will be 4 battles

FSOTS-3 / Into the Dangerous Unknown (M82A1, Platinum Medals)

Some mix of ARHGSMG or 5HG

FSTOS-4 / Last of the Summer Days (M870, Platinum Medals)


Polarized Light

Scripts generally reflect the Ceia video except where its fake news
Use it for echelons suggestions. All maps use

Echelon 1 - DPS
Echelon 2 - Dummy

1-3 (Reflector II)

Farms: M1895 CB, Nova Medals CRATES

1-6 (Reversibility II)

Farms: Deagle, Platinum Medals
Varies from videos, occasionally misses a check to dodge hydra

2-1 (Polarizer II)

Farms: M82, Nova Medals
Dumps some extra resources for speed

2-2 (Polarizer III)

Farms: X95, Platinum Medals

2-3 (Waveguide II)

Farms: SSG3000, Nova Medals

2-4 (Interferometer II)

Farms: OTs-14, Platinum Medals Lots of checks

2-5 (Spectrometer II)

Farms: CF-05, Nova Medals

3-2 (Recrystallization Resolution III)

Farms: KVSK, Nova Medals

3-4 (Asymmetric Induction II)

Farms: ACR, Platinum Medals

A Snowy Night Capriccio

ASNC-1 "Sangvis Orphan" (Daily currency/Nova medal/PP-19)

Enemies are very weak.

Echelon 1: Any farm team (1 battle. eg 1AR1HG)
Echelon 2: Any farm team (3 battles. eg 1AR1HG)
Echelon 3: Dummy

ASNC-2 "Missing: Dinnergate" (Honey Badger)

Enemies are weak but swarmy. ARs are recommended. 1-2 ARs with 1-2 HGs.
Note: Sometimes it won't click through the battle. Set your clicks after battle to min-9 and max-10 in settings to fix this.

Echelon 1: Farm team
Echelon 2: Dummy

ASNC-3 "X-Dinnergates" (Daily currency/Platinum medal/ART556)

It's a night map, handguns optional.

Echelon 1: Farm team (3 battles)
Echelon 2: Farm team (1 battle)
Echelon 3: Farm team (2 battles)

ASNC-4 "Ode to gifts" (FiveSeveN/PP-90[?])

The enemy node is very strong, bring your best. Repairs will be necessary. 3AR1HG1SMG or 3AR2SMG recommended. SOPMOD recommended AR to bring along.

Echelon 1: Farm team
Echelon 2: Dummy

Shattered Connexion

SC2-1 (Crates/SSG3000/Platinum medals)

Set your stop condition to 8 sorties if you only need crates

Echelon 1: Farm team (eg 1AR1HG)
Echelon 2: Farm team (eg 1AR1HG)

SC2-4-Ex (Kord/Platinum medals)

Echelon 1: Farm team
Echelon 2: Dummy

Sample team (17928 CE zombies are weak):
Sopmod + 2HGs

SC3-1 (Nova Medals/SSG3000)

Echelon 1: Combat team (1AR+HG buffs if needed)
Echelon 2: Dummy

SC5-7-Ex (also Kord/Platinum medals)

600 base EXP "L" formation
You will need a HG somewhere for vision to deploy

Echelon 1: XXX, DPS, XXX, XXX, XXX
Echelon 2: DPS
Echelon 3: Dummy

White Day

PhotoInfinity (Daily tokens/Medals/UMP40 and more)

The infinity maps drops all the dolls on the S rank?

Echelon 1: Any Night farm team (EG 2AR1HG)

6 sorties for daily cap.

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