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Stakeland Playwright BDD Automation Framework

This repository contains an automated testing framework using Playwright, Cucumber BDD, and the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern. It is used to automate end-to-end tests for the Staking Simulator application.


Before running the tests, ensure that the following are installed on your system:

Node.js (v14+) NPM Playwright dependencies (Playwright will handle browser downloads) Installation Clone this repository:


git clone

Navigate to the project directory:


cd stakeland-playwright

Install the required Node.js dependencies:


npm install

Workflow Diagram


Project Structure

The project is organized into the following main directories:

Copy code
|-- features/                    # Cucumber feature files
|   |-- staking-simulator.feature  # Contains test scenarios for staking simulator
|-- pages/                       # Page Object Model (POM) classes for different pages
|   |-- staking-simulator.js      # Staking simulator page object
|-- steps/                       # Step definitions for Cucumber scenarios
|   |-- staking-simulator.js      # Step definitions for staking simulator
|-- utils/                       # Utility classes and helper functions
|   |-- helpers.js                # Common utility functions
|-- playwright-report/           # Playwright HTML test reports
|   |-- report.html               # Latest HTML report for test execution
|-- test-results/                # JSON results of the last test run
|   |-- .last-run.json            # JSON output from last test execution
|-- playwright.config.js         # Playwright configuration file
|-- package.json                 # Project dependencies and scripts

Key Files

  • staking-simulator.feature: Cucumber feature file containing scenarios for the staking simulator.
  • staking-simulator.js (Pages): Implements the Page Object Model pattern for interacting with elements on the staking simulator page.
  • staking-simulator.js (Steps): Contains Cucumber step definitions mapped to the scenarios in the feature file.
  • playwright.config.js: Configures the Playwright environment for browser settings, timeouts, and reports.

Running the Tests

You can execute the Playwright tests using the following NPM scripts defined in package.json.

Run All Tests


npm run test

Run Tests in Headed Mode

To run tests with the browser UI, use the following command:


npm run testUI

Generate and View Report (Optional)

  • After running the tests, Allure Report will Automatically launch in browser

Manual Steps to generate report


npx allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report

and to Generate Allure Report:


npx mkdir -p allure-results/history && cp -r allure-report/history/* allure-results/history/ || true

To View Allure Report:


allure serve


Playwright Configuration

The Playwright configuration file (playwright.config.js) allows you to customize the testing environment, including:

  • Browsers: Choose between Chromium, Firefox, or WebKit.
  • Headless Mode: Run tests in headless mode or with UI.
  • Timeouts: Set global and per-test timeouts.
  • Reports: Generate test reports in different formats (e.g., HTML, JSON).

Cucumber Options

Cucumber options like the location of feature files and the format for test results are defined in the step definition files and the Playwright config.

Continuous Integration

This project includes a sample GitHub Actions workflow file (.github/workflows/playwright.yml) for continuous integration.

Running Tests in CI

  1. Push your changes to the repository.
  2. GitHub Actions will automatically trigger the Playwright tests as defined in the workflow.


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