ImageFetcher helps you to fetch images from a list of URLs
$ image_fetcher -s test/fixtures/source_images.txt -v
$ image_fetcher -h
Usage: image_fetcher.rb [options]
ImageFetcher options:
-s, --source FILE Source file/URI to be used as source for image fetcher
-f, --format FORMAT Source file format type (default: "plain")
(plain, json, html, xml, yml)
-p, --storage DESTINATION Storage destination for ImageFetcher (default: "~/ImageFetcher/images")
--delay N Delay N seconds before executing
-t, --time [TIME] Begin execution at given time
-v, --verbose Run verbosely
Common options:
-h, --help Show this message
--version Show version
Test coverage 30%
$ rspec test/unit/* --format documentation