Want to make an API in Julia but not sure where to start? Newer versions of HTTP.jl have everything you need to build one from scratch, but getting started can be a bit intimidating at the moment. Joseki.jl is a set of examples and tools to help you on your way. It's inspired by Mux.jl and Express.
Add it to your project with ] add Joseki
from the REPL, or using Pkg; Pkg.add("Joseki")
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Middleware in Joseki is any function that takes a HTTP.Request
and modifies it (and the associated
response). Endpoints are functions that accept a HTTP.Request
and returns a modified version of
its associated HTTP.Response
. Typically any request is passed through the same set of middleware
layers before being routed to a single endpoint.
You combine a set of middleware, endpoints, and optionally an error-handling function with
Joseki.router(endpoints; middleware=default_middleware error_fn=error_responder)
to create a
. This can be used with standard HTTP.jl
methods to create a server.
using Joseki, JSON, HTTP
### Create some endpoints
# This function takes two numbers x and y from the query string and returns x^y
# In this case they need to be identified by name and it should be called with
# something like 'http://localhost:8000/pow/?x=2&y=3'
function pow(req::HTTP.Request)
j = HTTP.queryparams(HTTP.URI(req.target))
has_all_required_keys(["x", "y"], j) || return error_responder(req, "You need to specify values for x and y!")
# Try to parse the values as numbers. If there's an error here the generic
# error handler will deal with it.
x = parse(Float32, j["x"])
y = parse(Float32, j["y"])
json_responder(req, x^y)
# This function takes two numbers n and k from a JSON-encoded request
# body and returns binomial(n, k)
function bin(req::HTTP.Request)
j = try
catch err
return error_responder(req, "I was expecting a json request body!")
has_all_required_keys(["n", "k"], j) || return error_responder(req, "You need to specify values for n and k!")
json_responder(req, binomial(j["n"],j["k"]))
### Create and run the server
# Make a router and add routes for our endpoints.
endpoints = [
(pow, "GET", "/pow"),
(bin, "POST", "/bin")
r = Joseki.router(endpoints)
# Fire up the server
HTTP.serve(r, "", 8000; verbose=false)
If you run this example you can try it out by going to http://localhost:8000/pow/?x=2&y=3. You should see a response like:
{"error": false, "result": 8.0}
In order to test the 2nd endpoint, you can make a POST request from within a different Julia session:
using HTTP, JSON
HTTP.post("http://localhost/bin", [], JSON.json(Dict("n" => 4, "k" => 3)))
You can also do this from the command line with cURL:
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8000/bin \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"n": 4, "k": 3}'
or use a tool like Postman.
You can modify or add to the default middleware stack, write your own responders, or create additional endpoints.
In many cases you will want to deploy your API as a Docker container. This makes it possible to deploy to most hosting services. This folder contains a Dockerfile that demonstrates hosting the example above (with a few minor modifications to make it work in Docker).
To build the image you can run
docker build -t joseki .
from this folder and then run
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 joseki
to start the server. If you need to debug anything you can start an interactive session with
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash joseki
This runs Joseki from within its own package environment, but a more common use case would be to create a new project that adds Joseki as a dependency. You can find examples that do this in separate repositories within the Joseki org.