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Travis Leithead edited this page Oct 16, 2015 · 1 revision

[10] == Travis [~Travis@public.cloak] has joined #webapps

[17:10] Hi

[17:10] Travis: Hi,

[17:11] I will be joining shortly.

[17:15] == sicking [~sicking@public.cloak] has quit [sicking]

[17:20] Perhaps in a little bit... still wrapping up a conversation.

[17:22] == Lachy [~Lachy@public.cloak] has joined #webapps

[17:23] Sorry everyone. I didn't hear anything on the teleconf call and though I was still alone.

[17:23] I created a doc where I made some notes about the remaining issues.

[17:24] Link to doc:

[17:24] Please feel free to add comments.

[17:25] garykac: to the document?

[17:26] Yes, you should have write access.

[17:27] garykac: Okay, I'll check it.

[17:27] Or you can comment here - but it might be easier to have them all in one place while we're talking about it.

[17:27] If you connect anonymously, then please add your name to the comment.

[17:30] == heath [~quassel@public.cloak] has joined #webapps

[17:32] I'll move any useful comments from the doc back into the relevant bugs.

[17:37] == heycam has changed nick to heycam|away

[17:49] Arg, will need to check in next week...

[17:53] Travis: we've been making comments in the doc linked above. Feel free to take a look at it when you get a chance.

[17:55] == Lachy [~Lachy@public.cloak] has quit ["My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…"]

[17:55] == Lachy [~Lachy@public.cloak] has joined #webapps

[17:57] == Lachy_ [~Lachy@public.cloak] has joined #webapps

[17:57] == Lachy [~Lachy@public.cloak] has quit [Client closed connection]

[17:57] == lmclister [~lmclister@public.cloak] has quit [""]

[17:58] == lmclister [~lmclister@public.cloak] has joined #webapps

[17:58] == lmclister [~lmclister@public.cloak] has quit [""]

[18:11] garykac: Okay, I'll keep checking the document.

[18:11] g'night everyone. Travis, can you send an email for the next meeting?

[18:11] either next week or two weeks from now is fine with me.

[18:13] I'm available on either week.

[18:13] I go another meeting of our company, thanks.

[18:17] == heycam|away has changed nick to heycam

[18:18] == garykac [~garykac@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]

[18:18] == masayuki [~masayuki@public.cloak] has quit ["Page closed"]

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