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January 29, 2018 Meeting

Matt King edited this page Feb 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

Agenda for January 29, 2018

2018 Plan Update

  1. Matt is working on documenting 2018 priorities and plans.
  2. Using wiki to summarize and do high-level mapping.
  3. Using milestones to schedule issues by release.
  4. This is work in progress.
  5. Cleaned up and added deliverables section to top of scope page.
  6. Added release planning page.
  7. Added APG 1.1 Release 2 Plan.

Should space be optional for menuitemcheckbox

issue 587: menuitemradio and menuitemcheckbox select on Space shouldn't be optional

Should APG include some information about mouse interactions?

Issue 576: Authoring practices tend to only specify keyboard interactions for patterns raised by Shawn Lauriat suggests there are circumstances where specifying mouse interactions is important to accessibility and should therefore be covered by the APG.

Should ARIA support making elements with structural container roles, like region, interactive?

  • This is the question asked by issue 578.
  • This arose because the ARIA spec supports using aria-expanded on elements with structural roles.
  • If a structure can be expanded or collapsed without a separate controling widget, that would make the structure itself interactive.
  • Is this a this useful or problematic flexibility?
  • Can we demonstrate either:
    • Problems that justify removing aria-expanded from structural roles?
    • Valid patterns that prove such flexibility is useful?

Future meetings and other business

  1. Reminder: on Feb 5, we will take up discussion of outline vs boarder for custom focus.
  2. No meeting on Feb 19 due to US Holiday
  3. No meeting on March 19 due to CSUN
  4. Matt out on Mar 26; should the TF meet?

Meeting Resources

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