The first model considered here is the neural field model, first proposed and analyzed by Amari [1], governed by the following nonlinear integro-differential equation on a one-dimensional, spatially extended domain
The nonlinearity
which for large values of
The term
The second example is the Mexican hat function given by the difference of two Gaussians
The third example is the oscillatory connectivity function
The second model considered here is the two field model from [2]
[1] Amari, S. I. (1977). Dynamics of pattern formation in lateral-inhibition type neural fields. Biological Cybernetics, 27(2), 77-87.
[2] Wojtak, W., Coombes, S., Avitabile, D., Bicho, E., & Erlhagen, W. (2021). A dynamic neural field model of continuous input integration. Biological Cybernetics, 115(5), 451-471.