lib-acoustic-rating is a Javascript library which calculates acoustic rating requirements for IFC-data according to SIA 181.
Use the package manager npm to install lib-acoustic-rating.
npm install @vyzn-tech/lib-acoustic-rating
import CsvConverter from '@vyzn-tech/lib-acoustic-rating/dist/csv-converter'
import { AcousticRatingCalculator } from '@vyzn-tech/lib-acoustic-rating/dist/calculator'
const items = new CsvConverter().convertToComponents(csvString)
const calculator = new AcousticRatingCalculator(
items, // required => see CSV
externalAcousticRatings // required => see External-Acoustic-Ratings
// additionalNoiseSensitivityMap optional => see Noise-Sensitivity-Map
// additionalAirborneNoiseExposureMap optional => see Airborne-Noise-Exposure-Map
// additionalFootstepNoiseExposureMap optional => see Footstep-Noise-Exposure-Map
// additionalSpectrumAdjustmentTypeMap optional => see Spectrum-Adjustment-Type-Map
Column | Description | Supported Values | Example | Comment |
GUID | An IfcGloballyUniqueId holds an encoded string identifier that is used to uniquely identify an IFC object. | 22 character length string "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_$" | 01$34_67$9_BsbEFbH$JK_M | GUID(same as original IFC) or UniqueLabel (unique string) |
Entity | In an IFC model, project information is represented as a series of IFC entities. Each IFC entity contains a fixed number of IFC attributes as well as any number of additional IFC properties. The IFC schema includes several hundred entities, of which the building element-type entities (such as IfcWall and IfcColumn) represent only 25. | IfcWall IfcSlab IfcRoof IfcSpace IfcZone IfcBuilding | IfcWall | ElementType Could be remapped in an interface to match the request |
PredefinedType | only required for IfcSlab: The predefined type based on IFC. | FLOOR BASESLAB ROOF | FLOOR | See Entity |
ParentIds | The ID of the parent element (IfcRelation/ IfcRelToGroup) | A value from column “ID” of another row or null (empty cell) | 01$34_67$9_BsbEFbH$JK_M | Will be the result of the link service |
Name | only required for IfcZone and IfcBuilding: Bezeichnung respektive Name, welcher sich von anderer Nutzungseinheit oder anderen Gebäude unterscheidet | frei (string), beispielsweise Nutzungseinheit_1, Nutzungseinheit_2,... Dach Fluchtweg_1, Bauprojekt, Nachbargebäude | Nutzungseinheit_1 | User input - ideally to be inputted on the platform / second option would be IFC input |
AcousticRatingLevelReq | only required for IfcZone | Mindestanforderungen, Erhöhte Anforderungen | Mindestanforderungen | User input |
Status | only required for IfcZone and IfcBuilding: Status of the element, predominately used in renovation or retrofitting projects. The status can be assigned to as "New" - element designed as new addition, "Existing" - element exists and remains, "Demolish" - element existed but is to be demolished, "Temporary" - element will exists only temporary (like a temporary support structure). | new, existing , temporary | new | ConstructionType Missing option “temporary” should be added |
IsExternal | Indication whether the element is designed for use in the exterior (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If (TRUE) it is an external element and faces the outside of the building | TRUE FALSE | TRUE | PositionAgainst Could be remapped in an interface to match the request |
OccupancyType | Occupancy type for this object. It is defined according to the presiding national code. | Werkstatt, Empfang, Warteraum, Großraumbüro, Kantine, Restaurant, Bad, WC, Verkauf, Labor, Korridor, Wohnen, Schlafen, Studio, Schulzimmer, Wohnküche, Büroraum, Hotelzimmer, Spitalzimmer, Ruheräume Therapieraum, Lesezimmer, Studierzimmer | Wohnküche | User input - Since that is a national standard the options should be in german |
CelestialDirection | Himmelsrichtung 8 options | N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW | SW | Orientation Could be remapped in an interface to match the request |
CenterOfGravityZ | Gravitationsschwerpunkt des Raumvolumens [m] | -99.99 to 99.99 | 3.43 | Should be produced by the REF model |
GUID | Entity | PredefinedType | ParentIds | Name | AcousticRatingLevelReq | Status | IsExternal | OccupancyType | CelestialDirection | CenterOfGravityZ |
1 | IfcWall | 47 | TRUE | NE | ||||||
2 | IfcWall | 51 | TRUE | NE | ||||||
3 | IfcWall | 47,54 | TRUE | NE | ||||||
4 | IfcWall | 48,54 | TRUE | N | ||||||
5 | IfcWall | 47,52 | FALSE | N | ||||||
6 | IfcWall | 46,47 | FALSE | N | ||||||
7 | IfcWall | 47,53 | FALSE | N | ||||||
8 | IfcWall | 47,55 | FALSE | N | ||||||
9 | IfcWall | 50,55 | FALSE | N | ||||||
10 | IfcWall | 46,55 | FALSE | N | ||||||
11 | IfcWall | 51,50 | FALSE | N | ||||||
12 | IfcWall | 51,49 | FALSE | N | ||||||
13 | IfcWall | 51,48 | FALSE | N | ||||||
14 | IfcWall | 53,49 | FALSE | N | ||||||
15 | IfcWall | 47,73 | FALSE | N | ||||||
16 | IfcWall | 55,73 | FALSE | N | ||||||
17 | IfcWall | 53,73 | FALSE | N | ||||||
18 | IfcWall | 64,51 | FALSE | N | ||||||
19 | IfcWall | 57,59 | TRUE | NE | ||||||
20 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 56,62 | FALSE | ||||||
21 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 58,62 | FALSE | ||||||
22 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 59,62 | FALSE | ||||||
23 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 60,62 | FALSE | ||||||
24 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 55,62 | FALSE | ||||||
25 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 56,63 | FALSE | ||||||
26 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 56,46 | FALSE | ||||||
27 | IfcSlab | 48,62 | FALSE | |||||||
28 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 49,62 | FALSE | ||||||
29 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 50,57 | FALSE | ||||||
30 | IfcSlab | ROOF | 46,55 | TRUE | N | |||||
31 | IfcSlab | ROOF | 46,52 | TRUE | N | |||||
32 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 48,53 | FALSE | ||||||
33 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 47,58 | FALSE | ||||||
34 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 50,63 | FALSE | ||||||
35 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 47,65 | FALSE | ||||||
36 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 47,51 | FALSE | ||||||
37 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 61,58 | FALSE | ||||||
38 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 58,64 | FALSE | ||||||
39 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 58,65 | FALSE | ||||||
40 | IfcSlab | FLOOR | 52,57 | TRUE | ||||||
41 | IfcSlab | ROOF | 46,62 | TRUE | NE | |||||
42 | IfcDoor | 1 | TRUE | N | ||||||
43 | IfcSlab | ROOF | 46 | TRUE | N | |||||
44 | IfcRoof | 47 | TRUE | N | ||||||
45 | IfcSpace | 70 | Wartungsarbeiten | 7 | ||||||
46 | IfcSpace | 66 | Terrasse | 6 | ||||||
47 | IfcSpace | 66 | Wohnen | 6.5 | ||||||
48 | IfcSpace | 66 | Wohnen | 6.5 | ||||||
49 | IfcSpace | 66 | Bad | 6.5 | ||||||
50 | IfcSpace | 66 | Schlafen | 6.5 | ||||||
51 | IfcSpace | 71 | Treppenhaus | 6.4 | ||||||
52 | IfcSpace | 67 | Wohnen | 3.5 | ||||||
53 | IfcSpace | 67 | Bad | 3.5 | ||||||
54 | IfcSpace | 67 | Terrasse | 3.5 | ||||||
55 | IfcSpace | 67 | Schlafen | 3.5 | ||||||
56 | IfcSpace | 68 | Tiefgarage | -3 | ||||||
57 | IfcSpace | 69 | Einfahrt | -3 | ||||||
58 | IfcSpace | 68 | Gewerbe | -3 | ||||||
59 | IfcSpace | 68 | Keller | -3 | ||||||
60 | IfcSpace | 68 | Technik | -3 | ||||||
61 | IfcSpace | 68 | Waschraum | -6 | ||||||
62 | IfcSpace | 69 | Tiefgarage | -6 | ||||||
63 | IfcSpace | 69 | Gewerbe | -6 | ||||||
64 | IfcSpace | 69 | Keller | -6 | ||||||
65 | IfcSpace | 69 | Technik | -6 | ||||||
66 | IfcZone | 72 | Nutzungseinheit_1 | Erhoehte Anforderungen | new | |||||
67 | IfcZone | 72 | Nutzungseinheit_2 | Erhoehte Anforderungen | new | |||||
68 | IfcZone | 72 | Nutzungseinheit_3 | Erhoehte Anforderungen | new | |||||
69 | IfcZone | 72 | Nutzungseinheit_4 | Erhoehte Anforderungen | new | |||||
70 | IfcZone | 72 | Dach | Erhoehte Anforderungen | new | |||||
71 | IfcZone | 72 | Fluchtweg_1 | Minimale Anforderungen | new | |||||
72 | IfcBuilding | Bauprojekt | new | |||||||
73 | IfcBuilding | Nachbargebäude | existing | Wohnen |
Key | Description | Type |
n | North | object: External-Acoustic-Rating |
ne | North-East | object: External-Acoustic-Rating |
e | East | object: External-Acoustic-Rating |
se | South-East | object: External-Acoustic-Rating |
s | South | object: External-Acoustic-Rating |
sw | South-West | object: External-Acoustic-Rating |
w | West | object: External-Acoustic-Rating |
nw | North-West | object: External-Acoustic-Rating |
Key | Type | Values |
day | int | -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 |
night | int | -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 |
spectrumAdjustmentType | string: SpectrumAdjustmentType | c, ctr |
"n": {
"day": 62,
"night": 55,
"spectrumAdjustmentType": "ctr"
"ne": {
"day": 62,
"night": 55,
"spectrumAdjustmentType": "ctr"
"e": {
"day": 0,
"night": 0,
"spectrumAdjustmentType": "c"
"se": {
"day": 0,
"night": 0,
"spectrumAdjustmentType": "c"
"s": {
"day": 0,
"night": 0,
"spectrumAdjustmentType": "c"
"sw": {
"day": 0,
"night": 0,
"spectrumAdjustmentType": "c"
"w": {
"day": 0,
"night": 0,
"spectrumAdjustmentType": "c"
"nw": {
"day": 0,
"night": 0,
"spectrumAdjustmentType": "c"
Key | Type | Values |
string: OccupancyType | int | null = None, 1 = Low, 2 = Medium, 3 = High |
"Terrasse": null,
"Werkstatt": 1,
"Wohnzimmer": 2,
"Studierzimmer": 3
Key | Type | Values |
string: OccupancyType | int | 1 = Low, 2 = Moderate, 3 = High, 4 = Very High |
"Terrasse": 4,
"Werkstatt": 3,
"Wohnzimmer": 2,
"Studierzimmer": 1
Key | Type | Values |
string: OccupancyType | int | 1 = Low, 2 = Moderate, 3 = High, 4 = Very High |
"Terrasse": 4,
"Werkstatt": 3,
"Wohnzimmer": 2,
"Studierzimmer": 1
Key | Type | Values |
string: OccupancyType | string: SpectrumAdjustmentType | c, ctr |
"Werkstatt": "ctr"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.