Initial behaviour tree for Eva. Current verion designed to work with Dmitroid robot and current nodes already developed.
The Owyl Behavior Tree package is required. To install:
git clone
sudo python install
This is meant to be used in conjuction with several ROS nodes:
- blender_api_msgs defines the robot head controlling messages.
- robo_blender which implements a movable robot head.
- [pi_vision](( which provides visual data to the perception node.
Don't forget to:
- catkin build
- source devel/setup.bash
To run, start the robo_blender, perception, pi_vision and uvc_cam nodes. Then
rosrun eva_behavior
Then, turn on behaviors:
rostopic pub --once /behavior_switch std_msgs/String btree_on
This will cause the system to play through the set of scripted behaviors, which includes exprsssing a variety of emotions, looking at the various faces as they become visible, and so on.
behavior_switch (std_msgs/String)
. Values: ("btree_on", "btree_off"). By default the behaviour tree is off and it needs to receive btree_on to start.tracking_event (eva_behavior/event)
. Event received from the perception nodes, currently only pi_vision.
cmd_blendermode (std_msgs/String)
. Blender mode used for tracking: Dummy (do nothing), TrackDev(tracking objects), LookAround (looking for attention). -
/blender_api/set_face_target (blender_api_msg/Target)
. Sends location that the robot head should face and look at. -
/blender_api/set_gaze_target (blender_api_msg/Target)
. Sends location that the robot eyes should look at (without moving the head).
Below follows a list of examples and demos.
Start up one of the blender heads, then:
rosrun eva_behavior
Turn on behaviors:
rostopic pub --once /behavior_switch std_msgs/String btree_on
The head should now be cycling through a set of facial expressions.
As above, but also start uvc_cam and pi_vision. Note that uvc_cam
won't automatically show up in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
variable; it must be added by hand.
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/path/to/uvc_cam:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
roslaunch ros2opencv uvc_cam.launch device:=/dev/video1
roslaunch pi_face_tracker face_tracker_uvc_cam.launch