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📦 Plugins

Cord comes with several built-in plugins that can be configured in your setup. To use a plugin, simply add its require path to the plugins table in your cord setup:

require('cord').setup {
  plugins = {

    -- optionally, configure the plugin
    ['cord.plugins.diagnostics'] = {
      severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR,

Available Plugins

Diagnostics (cord.plugins.diagnostics)

Adds diagnostic information.


  -- 'buffer' or 'workspace'
  scope = 'buffer',
  severity = { min = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN },
  -- whether to override the default configuration if no user configuration is provided
  override = true,
  • On buffer scope, diagnostics are only shown for the current buffer. text.viewing and text.editing are overriden to display the diagnostics count.
  • On workspace scope, diagnostics are shown for all buffers. text.workspace is overriden to display the diagnostics count.

It will also add the following variables:

  • diagnostic - a table containing the scoped diagnostics
  • diagnostics - the number of diagnostics in the current buffer or workspace

Usage example (Optional)

text = {
  -- In string templates
  editing = 'Editing ${filename} - ${diagnostics} problems',

  -- In functions
  workspace = function(opts) return 'In ' .. opts.workspace .. ' - ' .. opts.diagnostics(opts) .. ' problems' end,

Local Time (cord.plugins.local_time)

Displays the local clock time as the start timestamp.


  -- whether to override the timestamp for the idle status
  affect_idle = true,

It will also add the following variables:

  • local_timestamp - the zeroed timestamp of the current local time


Incompatible with cord.plugins.scoped_timestamps

Scoped Timestamps (cord.plugins.scoped_timestamps)

Tracks elapsed time independently for each buffer, with optional pause/resume functionality when switching between buffers.


  -- 'buffer', 'workspace', or 'idle'
  scope = 'buffer',
  -- If true, time tracking "pauses" when switching buffers and "resumes" where it left off when returning
  -- If false, timestamps are fixed once set
  pause = true,

It will also add the following variables:

  • get_scoped_timestamp - a function that returns the timestamp for the current scope


Incompatible with cord.plugins.local_time