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VulcanizeDB transformers for watching ETH and token value transfers


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Account Transformers

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VulcanizeDB transformers for watching ETH and token value transfers

This repo contains transformers for indexing of ETH and token balances for account addresses.

This transformer works by filtering through all eth logs that have one of these topic0. These events are unpacked and converted to generic "Value Transfer" records. Token balances for user accounts are then constructed as views on these records. It then polls an archival Eth node to retrieve balances for these accounts and generate eth balance records.


  1. Setup VulcanizeDB
  2. Switch to account_transformer_staging branch
  3. Run lightSync
  4. Setup config for account_transformer
  5. Setup Postgraphile to expose the accounts schema
  6. Run composeAndExecute using our account_transformer config

These transformers are run as plugin to VulcanizeDB's composeAndExecute command.

To begin, setup VulcanizeDB as described here.

Once vulcanizeDB is setup and built, run vulcanizeDB in lightSync mode to begin syncing headers into Postgres. It is vital that this sync process begins at a block before the account.start field below.

Once lightSync has begun, we can run the composeAndExecute command to compose and execute our account transformer. To do so, we use a normal compose config with two additional parameter maps:

    addresses = [
    0x0000000000085d4780B73119b644AE5ecd22b376 = [

    start     = 0
    addresses = [

contract.addresses are a list of the token addresses we want to track balances for, these addresses are used create token balance views. This can be updated at runtime by adding new contract addresses to the accounts.contract_addresses table in Postgres:

CREATE TABLE accounts.contract_addresses (

contract.equivalents is used to manually map contract addresses which represent the same token and need to be tracked as such. For example, TrueUSD as shown above has a proxy contract 0x0000000000085d4780B73119b644AE5ecd22b376 contract that was recently upgraded to from a direct implementation at 0x8dd5fbCe2F6a956C3022bA3663759011Dd51e73E. These two addresses do not emit each other's events and so to track the balance of TrueUSD we are configuring our transformer to watch events emitted from both these addresses as though they all belong to 0x0000000000085d4780B73119b644AE5ecd22b376.

account.start is used to specify when to begin watching events and producing token and eth balance records for the user accounts, this needs to be set to a block lower than the deployment block of any tokens we want to track. Additionally, this block number must fall within the contiguous set of unchecked_headers (this is important if we need to restart a sync, we will need to restart from the lowest unchecked header)

account.addresses is used to specify which user account addresses we want to track and index ETH balance and token balance records for. This can be updated at runtime by adding new addresses to the accounts.addresses table in Postgres:

CREATE TABLE accounts.addresses (

Currently, this config's ipcPath needs to point to an archival node endpoint in order to track ETH balances, this will be deprecated by the use of state diff data in the near future.

To expose the transformed data over Postgraphile, we need to modify our Postgraphile config.ts to include the "accounts" schema e.g. (["public", "accounts"]). After this, we should be able to expose graphQL endpoints as usual.


The transformer processes value transfer events from all contract addresses into uniform records of the form:

CREATE TABLE accounts.token_value_transfers (
  id           SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
  block_number BIGINT NOT NULL,
  name         VARCHAR NOT NULL CHECK (name <> ''),
  dst          VARCHAR(42),
  src          VARCHAR(42),
  amount       NUMERIC,
  contract     VARCHAR(42) NOT NULL,
  log_idx      INTEGER NOT NULL,
  tx_idx       INTEGER NOT NULL,
  raw_log      JSONB,
  UNIQUE (header_id, tx_idx, log_idx)

A view on a join of these records with the accounts.addresses table, the accounts.contract_addresses table, and the public.headers table is used to construct our users' token balance records:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW accounts.address_token_balances AS
    accounts.addresses.address AS address_hash,
    accounts.contract_addresses.contract AS token_contract_address_hash,
    ((SELECT COALESCE(SUM(amount),0) FROM accounts.token_value_transfers
                        WHERE accounts.token_value_transfers.block_number <= public.headers.block_number
                        AND accounts.token_value_transfers.dst = accounts.addresses.address
                        AND accounts.token_value_transfers.contract = accounts.contract_addresses.contract) -
    (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(amount),0) FROM accounts.token_value_transfers
                        WHERE accounts.token_value_transfers.block_number <= public.headers.block_number
                        AND accounts.token_value_transfers.src = accounts.addresses.address
                        AND accounts.token_value_transfers.contract = accounts.contract_addresses.contract)) AS "value"
  FROM accounts.token_value_transfers, accounts.addresses, public.headers, accounts.contract_addresses
  GROUP BY accounts.addresses.address, accounts.contract_addresses.contract, public.headers.block_number;

Which produces a view equivalent to the below table:

CREATE TABLE accounts.address_token_balances (
  address_hash                BYTEA NOT NULL,
  block_number                BIGINT NOT NULL,
  token_contract_address_hash BYTEA NOT NULL,
  value                       NUMERIC,

Additionally, for each user account it is configured with, it fetches their ETH balances and persists them as coin balance records of the form:

CREATE TABLE accounts.address_coin_balances (
  id                          SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
  header_id                   INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES headers (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  address_hash                BYTEA NOT NULL,
  block_number                BIGINT NOT NULL,
  value                       NUMERIC(100,0),
  value_fetched_at            TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
  inserted_at                 TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL,
  updated_at                  TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
  UNIQUE (address_hash, block_number)

It also syncs the users (and only the users) transactions and receipts into the core vDB light_sync_transactions table

CREATE TABLE light_sync_transactions (
  id          SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
  hash        VARCHAR(66),
  gaslimit    NUMERIC,
  gasprice    NUMERIC,
  input_data  BYTEA,
  nonce       NUMERIC,
  raw         BYTEA,
  tx_from     VARCHAR(44),
  tx_index    INTEGER,
  tx_to       VARCHAR(44),
  "value"     NUMERIC,
  UNIQUE (header_id, hash)
CREATE TABLE light_sync_receipts(
  id                  SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
  transaction_id      INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES light_sync_transactions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  header_id           INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES headers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  contract_address    VARCHAR(42),
  cumulative_gas_used NUMERIC,
  gas_used            NUMERIC,
  state_root          VARCHAR(66),
  status              INTEGER,
  tx_hash             VARCHAR(66),
  rlp                 BYTEA,
  UNIQUE(header_id, transaction_id)


If you notice a value transfer type event is missing from the ones we are already tracking, please feel free to submit a PR to introduce the event or submit an issue to note it for inclusion.


VulcanizeDB transformers for watching ETH and token value transfers







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