vtex plugin test
$ npm install -g @vtex/cli-plugin-test
$ oclif-example COMMAND
running command...
$ oclif-example (-v|--version|version)
@vtex/cli-plugin-test/1.0.4 linux-x64 node-v12.22.6
$ oclif-example --help [COMMAND]
$ oclif-example COMMAND
Run your VTEX app's integration tests
$ oclif-example test e2e
-h, --help Shows this help message.
-r, --report=report Check the results and state of a previously started test given its ID
-t, --token [Not recommended] Send your personal authorization token to your test session so it's available
while running the tests. It can be dangerous because exposes the token via 'authToken'
environment variable
-v, --verbose Shows debug level logs.
-w, --workspace Test workspace's apps
--trace Ensures all requests to VTEX IO are traced.
See code: build/commands/test/e2e.ts
Run your VTEX app unit tests
$ oclif-example test unit
-h, --help Shows this help message.
-u, --unsafe Allow tests with Typescript errors
-v, --verbose Shows debug level logs.
--trace Ensures all requests to VTEX IO are traced.
See code: build/commands/test/unit.ts