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Utensil Drawer: Pick the tools you need to craft the view transitions you want!
The @vtbag website can be found at https://vtbag.dev/
is a function that escapes your view transition names so you are not stuck with just A-Za-Z0-9-_
characters. "😀"! It's a handy alternative to CSS.escape()
for environments where that's not available.
For details see https://vtbag.dev/tools/utensil-drawer/
allows you to assign view transition names to a set of HTML elements, offering a more reliable and controllable alternative toview-transition-name: auto
that works cross-browser and also for cross-document navigation.
For details see the CHANGELOG
The Utensil Drawer holds reusable functions to help you build websites with view transitions. It is a bit sparse right now, but like the one in your kitchen, it is bound to fill up over time.