Intall Docker NOTE: These instructions are for using docker on Mac or linux so the commands may vary on a windows system.
Disclaimer: Code provided is not supported by Saucelabs and may need to be updated from time to time as things change.
Also if you don’t want to pass the sauce_username and access key you can always export as environment variables. On linux or Mac edit the ~/.bash_profile and add the following lines
export SAUCE_USERNAME=<sauce_username> export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<sauce_access_key>
source ~/.bash_profile
Now you can execute the command this way
docker run -it iflanagan/sauceconnectha:first_version $SAUCE_USERNAME $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY Web
The commands below Create a HIGH AVAILABILITY SAUCE CONNECT TUNNELS. NOTE you can open two terminal windows and execute the same command to run to truly obtain a HA environment.
Docker Project:
GitHub Project
docker run -it iflanagan/sauceconnectha:first_version <sauce_username> <sauce_access_key> Web
-Creates a High Availability Tunnel in Headless
docker run -it iflanagan/sauceconnectha:first_version <sauce_username> <sauce_access_key> HEADLESS
-Creates a High Availability Tunnel in US Real Device Cloud
docker run -it iflanagan/sauceconnectha:first_version <sauce_username> <sauce_access_key> US
-Creates a High Availability Tunnel in Real Europe Device Cloud
docker run -it iflanagan/sauceconnectha:first_version <sauce_username> <sauce_access_key> EU
If you want to adjust the memory, CPU or disk space of a container see below
Also if you want to pull down the files and build the project yourself here are the steps
Create directory Cd docker pull iflanagan/sctunnels
docker build -t .
docker tag /: docker login docker push /: