An attendance monitoring system for all our Chumbak Store employees across the country built on React-native.
Create User/User Auth using firebase.
AttendanceCam view to capture Images
Upload View via Cloudinary
User Location Tracking
User gets to see the last submitted attendance date and type.
A separate Dashboard to monitor uploaded attendance
Initial App Fireup 🚀
On firing up the app the user location tracking gets enabled and location coords are captured. The initial loading screen moves ahead only on success as location capture is critical to the app. This flow uses the navigator to track the Geolocation.
The initial Login screen also has a loggedIn/loggedOut state check which checks for user login state each time the app boots up . You remain logged in until you hit logout 🙄
Login Screen 🔑
The users can login using their credentials or create a new userID( based on their email). Authentication flows are based on the Firebase Email and password web based authentication and the Firebase Create user Auth flows.
Forgot password - The users are directed to a forgot password view where they enter their registered email. If the registered email is correct a reset password link is sent to the users' email-id. Firebase reset-password is used here.
Attendance Cam View 📸
- This utilizes the react-native-camera to access the camera module. On capture the image is fetched from the source and this image is fed to Cloudinary.
- The lat/long coordinates are destructured to get the location details using reverse-geocoding.
- A firebase DB fetch call checks if the user has previously registered attendance. If yes the last registered value along with date/time and type of attendance is fetched.
Upload Screen 🆙
- Uploaded Image is fetched from Cloudinary and the user data along with location, date/time of upload and Check-in/Check-out type is uploaded to Firebase DB.
Success View
- Upon successful upload ,the user is directed to this screen.
- Clone this repo
git clone
cd RetailAttendanceMonitor
- Run
npm install
- Use
react-native run-android
to run on the android emulator |react-native run-ios
to run on the iOS simulator.
The application is built using the following products from Facebook:
- react: 16.0.0-alpha.6
- react-native: 0.44.0
- firebase - The Firebase Command Line Tools
- react-native-fcm - React native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification
react-native-camera - A Camera component for React Native.
react-native-geocoders - Geocoding services for react native
react-native-hockeyapp - HockeyApp integration for React Native with Android and iOS support
react-native-progress - Progress indicators and spinners for React Native using ReactART
react-native-router-flux - React Native Router based on new React Native Navigation API
axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
sha1 - a native js function for hashing messages with the SHA-1 algorithm.
- Cloudinary - Cloud based Image Management.