A Lua plugin for VPP
# get the Luajit dependency
sudo apt-get install libluajit-5.1-dev
# cd into a working VPP repository
cd vpp
# clean up the results of the build and the plugins config
rm -rf plugins build-root
# restore the original contents
git checkout plugins
git checkout build-root
cd plugins
# checkout the lua plugin
git clone https://github.com/vpp-dev/vpp-lua-plugin.git lua-plugin
cd ..
# patch the in-tree files to adopt the lua plugin
patch -p1 <plugins/lua-plugin/diff-for-in-tree.diff
make build
make plugins
The plugin adds two commands: "lua run" and "lua eval". The first one feeds a supplied file to the Luajit library, the second one evaluates the code right there. No quotes are necessary.
An example:
DBGvpp# lua run plugins/lua-plugin/samples/macswap.lua
DBGvpp# lua ?
lua eval lua eval <string>
lua macswap lua macswap commands
lua run lua run <file-name>