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This is a large set of demos (currently 47!) using the HaxeFlixel engine and demonstrating its capabilities. All the ones that are compatible with flash can be found on haxeflixel.com/demos.
- Arcade Classics
- Breakout
- FlxInvaders
- FlxSnake
- FlxTeroids
- Editors
- FlxSpine
- TiledEditor
- Effects
- BlendModes
- FlxBloom
- FlxBlur
- FlxSkewedSprite
- FlxSpriteFilters
- FlxTrailArea
- FlxTween
- ParticlesExt
- Flixel Features
- CollisionAndGrouping
- FlxCamera
- FlxNape
- Particles
- Pathfinding
- Replay
- ResolutionPolicies
- Save
- SplitScreen
- TexturePackerAtlas
- Tilemap
- Input
- GridMovement
- MouseEventManager
- Multitouch (cpp only)
- GamepadTest
- Other
- FlxCollisions
- FlxPongAPI
- MinimalistTD
- FlxAsyncLoop
- Flappybalt
- Performance
- FlxBunnyMark
- FlxRandom
- PixelPerfectCollision
- Platformers
- EZPlatformer
- FlipAnimationRotationTiles
- FlxCaveGenerator
- FlxTilemapExt
- Mode
- Project Jumper
- Revenge
- User Interface
- FileBrowse
- FlxTypeText
- RPG Interface
##For Developers
If you are wanting to contribute code, please review the follwing documentation:
If you have a question or have not contributed on github before, there are friendly people in the community that help out in the forums.
For using git with github we recommended using a GUI application to manage your changes, for example SourceTree.