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vorov2 edited this page Feb 26, 2020 · 1 revision


This article discusses a single linked list data type.


Lists in Ela are implemented as immutable single linked lists. Such a data structure can be found in most functional languages. Lists can be constructed using cons operator (declared as :: in prelude):

xs = 1::2::3::[]

A [] literal denotes an empty list (usually called nil list). Operator :: is right associative. and when you construct lists using this operator the right-most operand should be always a list.

One can also use a special literal syntax for list construction. The code above is fully equivalent to:

xs = [1,2,3]

As soon as Ela is a dynamically typed language, lists can contain values of any type. Also lists can be nested:


Pattern matching

Ela provides several ways to match lists inside pattern matching constructs. The first (and most basic way) is to use list construction operator:

(12::ys) = [12,13,14]

This pattern can have multiple elements and compare elements along with binding them to names:

(12::y::yss) = [12,13,14]

If you want to match an empty list you can use a [] pattern:

(12::_::_::[]) = [12,13,14]

The example above matches a list with exactly three elements with 12 as head. There is also a more convinient way to write this pattern - using list literal:

[12,_,_] = [12,13,14]

Operations with lists

Standard prelude already defines a couple of core functions such as map, filter and length that you can use with lists:

map (*2) [1,2,3]


length [1,2,3]

However if you reference a list module you will be able to use dozens of list related functions including concat function that works like so:

open list
concat [[1,2],[3,4]]

Functions from list module allows you to operate with lists, e.g. to delete or add elements:

delete 5 [1,4,5,6]

Module list contains various filtering, sorting, merging, zipping, etc. functions. You can always refer to the module documentation to learn more about these functions. Also many functions from this module are available both in a lazy and in a strict form, e.g. fold (a strict version) and fold' (a lazy version).

Lists as monad

Lists in Ela are also monads. If you reference monad module that implements monadic classes for lists you will be able to use lists as monad, e.g. inside a do-notation:

open monad

squares lst = do
    x <- lst
    return (x * x)

squares [1, 2, 3]

Infinite and lazy lists

Lists in Ela can be lazy or even infinite. The simplest way to create an infinite list is to use ranges like so:


More information about lazy lists is available in Lazy Evaluation article.

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