I am Jie Feng, currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University, working in FIB Lab.
- 🔭 I’m currently focused on LLMs, VLMs, and their applications in spatiotemporal data mining and urban science.
- 🌱 You can find my full publication via Google Scholar. Some of my proudest recent works:
- CityGPT: empowering urban spatial cognition of LLMs through synthetic data from city simulator.
- CityBench: the first interactive benchmark for systematically evaluating the capabilities of LLMs and VLMs in diverse urban tasks.
- AgentMove[NAACL2025]: the first LLM-based agentic framework for zero-shot mobility prediction around the world.
- TrajAgent: the first LLM-based agentic framework for automated trajectory modeling across diverse datasets, regions, and tasks.
- 👯 I’m looking for collaboration opportunities
- Topics: Spatiotemporal data mining, large language models, embodied agent, etc.
- Location: Remote or on-site at Tsinghua University
- 💬 Feel free to drop me an email for:
- Any form of collaboration
- Any issue about my works or code
- Interesting ideas to discuss or just chatting