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What do "processing strength" and "fix frame strength" do? #43

Answered by volotat
afgonczol asked this question in Q&A
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With some simplifications, in both vid2vid and txt2vid cases the algorithm works with two img2img passes for each frame. First pass will restore occluded parts of warped previous frame and the second pass will process the whole image to fix any issues that are left after the first step. Technically the second pass is not necessary, but without it frames tend to blur out and have a lot of ghosting artifacts. "processing strength" is a denoising strength for first img2img pass and "fix frame strength" is a denoising strength for second img2img pass. "fix frame strength" should not be too high or too low. I found out that 0.15 works the best for vid2vid mode and 0.35 for txt2vid that's why t…

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Answer selected by afgonczol
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