MLexp is the framework to automate model training, hyperparameters optimization and logging results to a server, which allows to speed up hypothesis testing and helps to maintain the reproducibility of experiments.
$ pip install mlexp
By default, MLexp is installed without support of torch training.
To support training torch models install MLexp as:
$ pip install mlexp[torch]
This way pytorch-lightning will also be installed.
It is advised to install desired version of torch before installing mlexp[torch] because pytorch-lightning depends on torch and by default downloads torch with CUDA support (and heavy dependencies).
Documentation is hosted on Read the Docs
In this example we will train lightgbm model, optimize hyperparameters and log results to mlflow server.
First of all, we have to start mlflow server. Run the following command in your console.
$ mlflow server --port 5000
Running this command will start mlflow server on port 5000 in the current directory.
Now we should define function which returns set of parameters.
def params_func(trial):
'model_params': {'boosting': trial.suggest_categorical('boosting', ['gbdt', 'dart', 'goss']),
'feature_fraction': trial.suggest_float('feature_fraction', 0.01, 1),
'min_child_samples': trial.suggest_int('min_child_samples', 2, 256),
'n_estimators': 500},
'lgb_data_set_params': {}
According to this function:
- boosting will be chosen from ['gbdt', 'dart', 'goss'] during hyperparameter optimization
- feature_fraction will be chosen from uniform distribution from 0.01 to 1 during hyperparameter optimization
- min_child_samples will be chosen integers from 2 to 256 during hyperparameter optimization
- no parameters will be passed to lightgbm.Dataset, except for data and label, which are passed from training data automatically
Now we can use python API of mlexp.trainers.LgbTrainer to train model, optimize hyperparameters and log results to mlflow server.
from mlexp.trainers import LgbTrainer
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
# Initialise trainer object
trainer = LgbTrainer(
# MSE will be used as validation metric
validation_metric = mean_squared_error,
# MSE should be minimised during hyperparameters optimization
direction = 'minimize',
# Before logging to server files will be saved to /home/logged_files
saved_files_path = r'/home/logged_files',
# During training model on test fold n_estimators will be set to the mean n_estimators on validation_folds
use_average_n_estimators_on_test_fold = True,
# During hyperparameters' optimization, mean metric on validation fold will be optimized
optimization_metric = 'metric_mean_cv')
# Initialise mlflow run
# Init run on mlflow server
logging_server = 'mlflow',
# Run will be started in experiment 'example_exp'
experiment_name = 'example_exp',
# URI of mlflow server (it will be printed in console after starting mlflow server)
tracking_uri = '',
# Let's set run_name to 'Example. LGBM' and add tag Hypothesis = 1
mlflow_run_params = {'run_name': 'Example. LGBM', 'tags': {'Hypothesis': '1'}},
# Let's also log current_data_config.txt to mlflow server
upload_files = ['/home/current_data_config.txt'])
# Hyperparameters' sampler
sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed = 1234)
# Start model training, hyperparameters optimization and logging results to mlflow server
X = X,
y = y,
cv = cv_list,
# Will optimize hyperparameters during 20 iterations
n_trials = 20,
params_func = params_func,
sampler = sampler)
Let's get trained model, parameters and hyperparameters from mlflow server with the help of mlexp.inference.LgbInference
from mlexp.inference import LgbInference
# Initialize inference object
inference = LgbInference(
# Let's download models and aprameters to /home/downloaded_files
downloaded_files_path = '/home/downloaded_files',
'tracking_uri': '',
'run_id': '1325ca558ec14277b0f39b0f8134d17e'},
# Download params and model
# Get parameters and models from best step of hyperparameters optimization (with minimal MSE)
step = 'best',
# Get model for test fold
fold_num = 'test',
# Get trained model
trained_model = True)
After running this code we will get dictionary with downloaded parameters and trained model.
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