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K8S preview apps Github action

This Github action makes it easy to create PR review applications in your Kubernetes cluster.

A PR review application is a deployment that gets created with the code in the source branch of a pull request when the PR is created and destroys it when it's merged or closed.

How it works

The action talks to the Kubernetes API using credentials and certificates that you supply to create a deployment and other resources based on specs you supply in the repository that uses this action. The action also creates a Github deployment that tracks the Kubernetes deployment.

You need to have a wildcard domain setup that points to an ingress that runs in your cluster and that forwards traffic to the right service.


Infrastructure setup

You need to have a K8S cluster that is available from a Github action with a kubeconfig. See ServiceAccount for additional details.

In addition, you need to have an ingress that takes traffic for a wildcard domain and forwards it to the correct service.

For AWS you would attach an ACM wildcard certificate to the LoadBalancer that sits in front of the ingress. For other GKE and other setups, you could use a controller like certmanager to provision a wildcard SSL certificate.


You probably want to set up everything and run your preview applications in a dedicated namespace. Let's create one aptly named preview:

kubectl create ns preview


Then you could create a service account with permission to get, create, update and delete services and deployments. An example of this can be found in configs/auth.yaml.

kubectl -n preview apply -f configs/auth.yaml

If you're using GKE see Authenticating to the Kubernetes API server and google-github-actions/get-gke-credentials.

SSL cert

You want a wildcard SSL certificate for the ingress.

For AWS you can use an ACM wildcard certificate directly on a LoadBalancer if you're running the AWS Load Balancer Controller as described here.

If you use GKE its not possible to provision wildcard certificates for your external ingress/load balancer. One simple way to provision one is using certmanager. An outdated example of a configuration can be found in configs/gke/cert.yaml. Please note that the configuration needs to be changed to have the right domain and to work with your cluster.


An example of a simple ingress based on nginx can be found in ingress/ and is published as a Docker image at Dockerhub.

To see an example of how to run the ingress on AWS with a LoadBalancer with an attached ACM certificate look at configs/aws/ingress.yaml.

To see an outdated example of how to run the ingress on GKE with an external load balancer (ingress) look at configs/gke/ingress.yaml.

Helm chart

There is a Helm chart to setup the infrastructure on AWS.

You need to add this repository to your helm repositories:

helm repo add preview
helm repo update


helm install <RELEASE_NAME> -n preview --set ingress.certificateArn=arn:XXX --set preview/preview


Create a workflow in the repository of your application. For example .github/workflows/review-app.yaml.


You need a kubeconfig to be able to run the action. If you are using GKE you can get one by following the documentation at google-github-actions/get-gke-credentials.

For AWS and other setups you can get the token and certificate for the service account by finding the name of the secret holding the credentials:

kubectl -n preview get secret

Then get the data stored in the secret:

kubectl -n preview get secrets/preview-ci-token-XXX -o yaml

The ca.crt should be provided in its base64 encoded form while the token should be provided decoded from its base64 value.

Use that to generate a kubeconfig.


You probably want to generate your Kubernetes specs somehow. kustomize is one way of doing it.

It's important that all specs in each PR have a different name and a unique set of labels.


An example of the workflow:

name: PR review app
      - opened
      - synchronize
      - reopened
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
          - name: Checkout code
            uses: actions/checkout@master
          - name: Build application
            run: echo "Test and build your app"
            shell: bash
          - name: Docker login
            run: echo "Login to docker registry"
          - name: Construct docker image name
            id: vars
            run: echo "::set-output name=image::your-docker-image:qa-${GITHUB_SHA::8}"
            shell: bash
          - name: Build docker image
            run: docker build . -t ${{ steps.vars.outputs.image }}
          - name: Push docker image
            run: docker push ${{ steps.vars.outputs.image }}
          - name: Setup kustomize
            uses: imranismail/setup-kustomize@v1
          - name: Edit k8s specs
            run: |
              cd kustomize/
              kustomize edit set nameprefix pr-${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}-
              kustomize edit set label pr:${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
          - name: Build k8s config
            run: kustomize build kustomize > specs.yml
          - uses: voldern/kubernetes-preview-github-action/deploy@vX.X.X
              GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
              domain: my.domain.tld
              namespace: preview
              kubeconfig: path/to/kubeconfig
              specsPath: 'specs.yml'

You also want to delete the applications once the PR is merge or closed. You can do that in a separate workflow, for example in .github/workflows/cleanup.yaml:

name: PR review app
      - closed
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - name: Checkout code
            uses: actions/checkout@master
          - name: Setup kustomize
            uses: imranismail/setup-kustomize@v1
          - name: Edit k8s specs
            run: |
              cd kustomize/
              kustomize edit set nameprefix pr-${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}-
              kustomize edit set label pr:${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
          - name: Build k8s config
            run: kustomize build kustomize > specs.yml
          - uses: voldern/kubernetes-preview-github-action/destroy@vX.X.X
              GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
              namespace: preview
              kubeconfig: path/to/kubeconfig
              specsPath: 'specs.yml'


Github action for creating PR review apps on Kubernetes







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