Suported Angular versions: 16 and 17.
Add the package as a dependency to your project using:
npm install ngx-universal-dropdown
# or
pnpm install ngx-universal-dropdown
# or
yarn add ngx-universal-dropdown
Add module to you app.module imports:
import { NgxUniversalDropdownModule } from 'ngx-universal-dropdown';
imports: [ NgxUniversalDropdownModule ],
Add dropdown component to your template:
(onMultiSelectEvent)="onMultiSelectEvent($event)" // active when multiSelect is true
(onSingleSelectEvent)="onSingleSelectEvent($event)" // active when multiSelect is false
[disabled]="false" // disable dropdown
[multiSelect]="true" // when true dropdown is multi-select, otherwise is single-select (default value: false)
[onHover]="true" // when true dropdown is opening on hover, otherwise on click (default value: false)
icon="../assets/icon.svg" // add icon to the left side of the button - optional
[options]="['First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth']"
[values]="[1, 2, 3, 4]"