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Common command line options

Oliver Kurth edited this page Mar 16, 2023 · 10 revisions

Common command line options


Only valid together with --downloadonly (see below). Downloads all dependencies for a package, regardless whether they are installed.


Allow removing of packages when resolving.

--assumeyes, -y

Answer y (yes) yo all questions, for non-interactive invocations of tdnf.


Insist on installing the latest version of a package when upgrading. Fail if that is not possible. Otherwise, tdnf would use the next best version.


When given with the install command, download and install the build dependencies instead of the binary package. See also the --source option.

--cacheonly, -C

Do not download metadata and use the cached metadata instead, even if expired.

--config file, -c file

Use an alternative configuration file.


Disable excludes, regardless of the excludes option in the configuration file.


Disable one or more repositories. Can be set to a repoid or a pattern. Can be used together with --enablerepo, but is mutually exclusive with --repo/--repoid. For example: tdnf --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=photon list.


Can only be used together with --downloadonly. Specifies a directory where to download packages. If not given, the cache directory is used.


Packages will only be downloaded and not installed. By default, these will be downloaded to the cache directory, or as specified with --downloaddir.


Enable one or more repositories. Can be set to a repoid or a pattern. See above for --disablerepo. Mutually exclusive with --repo/--repoid.


A list of packages to be excluded from operations.


Prints out basic usage information.


Packages will be installed relative to this directory.

Unless specified with -c or --config, tdnf will use the configuration file under this directory in etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf if present, otherwise it uses the file /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf in the host. Similar for the repository configurations. The cache directory will be relative to the installroot and created if necessary.

--json, -j

Output information in json format. Calling tdnf with its alias tdnfj makes it behave as if called with tdnf -j -y.


Don't automatically remove orphaned dependencies, regardless of the clean_requirements_on_remove option.


Do not verify gpg signatures of packages.


Minimize output messages.


Add a repository from a directory without metadata. Similar to --repofrompath, but without repodata.

Example: tdnf repofrompath=local,/usr/src/photon/RPMS --repoid=local install lsof to install packages from usr/src/photon/RPMS (there is no need to call createrepo /usr/src/photon/RPMS).

Note that this is not efficient for large repositories, in which case --repofrompath should be used.


Add a repository with the id repoid and the baseurl baseurl. This is equivalent to adding a repository with the repoid and the baseurl. The repository can be referenced with the id, for example with --repoid.

Example: tdnf repofrompath=local,file:///usr/src/photon/RPMS --repoid=local install lsof to install packages from usr/src/photon/RPMS (after calling createrepo /usr/src/photon/RPMS).

Can be used multiple times to add multiple repositories.

--repoid id, --repo id

Select a particular repository by its id. For example --repoid=photon is equivalent to --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=photon. Can be specified multiple times.


Specify the release version of the distribution. By default this will be taken from the package that provides system-release (unless otherwise configured), if installed. Setting this is useful to install when using --installroot.


When given with the install command, download and install the source package instead of the binary package. See also the --builddeps option.


Skip failures for example if a package is not available or has broken dependencies.


Test rpm transactions only but do not do any install.


Display the tdnf version.