Hello! I'm Vincent Loh, a high school junior.
I make various little projects here and there, and also enjoy competitive programming (USACO, Codeforces, AtCoder). I also mantain a little blog that post to every so often (though not enough).
I run a (former) celeron chromebook as my main laptop. It's now on debian 12, with a similar minimal i3 setup. Additionally, I've underclocked the N4020 processor to 800mhz.
Interestingly, it holds up well enough to perform basic web browsing and pretty much any CLI workflow without issues. Combined with its relatively alright wifi card and its actually pretty insane battery capacity, I'm able to use it as a thin client - running lighter tasks on-laptop, and offloading heavier tasks to my desktop via SSH/VNC.
Usually, I only use my laptop at school, and it lasts around a week and a half to two weeks of usage on a single charge. When I'm traveling and using it more often, I easily get four or five days. Because of this, I can often get away with not bringing around a charger at all on most trips.
I use a jailbroken iphone SE (first generation, from 2016) on iOS 13.4.1. It has the clang toolchain and SDK installed, so I can (and sometimes do) code on this device.
It is jailbroken with Odysseyra1n, running the Procursus bootstrap.
I am not that good at Objective-C, but I have written a few tweaks - for example radianator.
I have some old web games on OpenProcessing, mostly uncompleted.