Generate URL-encoded query string from the object (php's http_build_query() in JavaScript).
$ npm install http-build-query
var httpBuildQuery = require('http-build-query');
// Simple using
var obj = {
id: 777,
message: 'hello',
token: 'x2s7d'
httpBuildQuery(obj); // message=hello&id=777&token=x2s7d
// Example #3 http_build_query() with complex arrays
// from php documentation:
var obj2 = {
user: {
name: 'Bob Smith',
age: 47,
sex: 'M',
dob: '5/12/1956'
pastimes: ['golf', 'opera', 'poker', 'rap'],
children: {
bobby: {
age: 12,
sex: 'M'
sally: {
age: 8,
sex: 'F'
'+0': 'CEO'
httpBuildQuery(obj2, 'flags_');