- Ensure your computer has java installed on it (instructions available here https://java.com/en/download/help/windows_manual_download.xml)
- Install mysql (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/windows-installation.html)
- Go to the folder of the application
- Open a command window (Shift + f10 and Open command window)
- Run the following command java -jar "name of the jar file" (without "")
- In your browser go to localhost:8080/ and you will be prompted to the login page of the application
- The following accounts may be used:
Username: user
Password: user (has normal user rights)
Username: admin
Password: admin (has admin rights)
Add a new client
Edit client information
View client information
Add new account
Edit account information
View account information
Delete account
Transfer between accounts
Process utilities bills
Add new employee
Edit employee information
View employee information
Delete employee
Generate report