Fully rendered in browser, no external dependencies
Written in TypeScript
, transpiled to JavaScript
ECMAScript2020, no frameworks
Can self host without any server-side components needed
Two layouts:
- As full PWA for both desktop and mobile:
- For nightstand displays (with auto-scroll and auto-refresh):
npm install
in project root containing API keys:
"google": "xxxx",
"darksky": "xxxx",
"aqicn": "xxxx"
- Run
npm dev
INFO: User: vlado Platform: linux Arch: x64 Node: v18.7.0
INFO: Application: { name: '@vladmandic/weather', version: '0.9.0' }
INFO: Environment: { profile: 'development', config: '.build.json', package: 'package.json', tsconfig: true, eslintrc: true, git: true }
INFO: Toolchain: { build: '0.7.14', esbuild: '0.15.12', typescript: '4.8.4', typedoc: '0.23.19', eslint: '8.26.0' }
INFO: Build: { profile: 'development', steps: [ 'serve', 'watch', 'lint', 'compile' ] }
STATE: WebServer: { ssl: true, port: 10061, root: '', sslKey: 'node_modules/@vladmandic/build/cert/https.key', sslCrt: 'node_modules/@vladmandic/build/cert/https.crt' }
STATE: Watch: { locations: [ 'src/**/*' ] }
STATE: Lint: { locations: [ '*.json', 'src/*' ], files: 34, errors: 0, warnings: 0 }
STATE: Compile: { name: 'application', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/index.ts', output: 'dist/weather.js', files: 27, inputBytes: 99244, outputBytes: 516761 }
STATE: Compile: { name: 'service-worker', format: 'esm', platform: 'browser', input: 'src/pwa-serviceworker.ts', output: 'dist/pwa-serviceworker.js', files: 1, inputBytes: 4152, outputBytes: 1699 }
INFO: Listening...
- Navigate to
Note: API keys will be auto-loaded from/secrets.json
- Alternatively, provide API keys as URL parameters
https://localhost:10061/?google=xxx&darksky=xxx&aqicn=xxx - Additionally, you can skip auto-location and search for forecast for a specific location given as URL parameter
- More WebGL backgrounds: