Custom textarea for UI5 Web Components (with icons like the input)
npm i
npm run start
- Open http://localhost:8085/test-resources/pages/index.html in your browser.
import Textarea from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Textarea.js";
// Template
import CustomTextareaTemplate from "./generated/templates/CustomTextareaTemplate.lit.js";
// Styles
import CustomTextareaCss from "./generated/themes/CustomTextarea.css.js";
const metadata = {
tag: "ui5-custom-textarea",
properties: {
_hasIcons: {
type: Boolean,
slots: {
icons: {
type: HTMLElement,
class CustomTextarea extends Textarea {
static get metadata() {
return metadata;
static get template() {
return CustomTextareaTemplate;
static get styles() {
return [Textarea.styles, CustomTextareaCss];
onBeforeRendering() {
this._hasIcons = !!this.icons.length;
export default CustomTextarea;
- There is a new
attribute (respectively_hasIcons
property) that is private and set inonBeforeRendering
It will be used for CSS Selectors only and activates whenever you have at least one icon slotted - There is a new slot called
where you can pass icons from the outside
{{>include "@ui5/webcomponents/src/TextArea.hbs"}}
{{#*inline "afterTextarea"}}
<span class="ui5-textarea-icons">
<slot name="icons"></slot>
- implements the new partial
.ui5-textarea-icons {
position: absolute;
top: 0.75rem;
right: 0.5rem;
z-index: 1;
:host([_has-icons]) .ui5-textarea-icons {
right: 1.5rem;
:host([_has-icons]) .ui5-textarea-root {
position: relative;
:host([_has-icons]) .ui5-textarea-inner {
padding-right: 1.25rem;
:host([growing][_has-icons]) .ui5-textarea-inner {
padding-right: 2.25rem;
::slotted(ui5-icon) {
cursor: pointer;
- There is some new CSS that positions the icons area absolutely over the textarea (and also increases its right padding so that it does not overlap. If growing - more padding needed due to the scrollbar)
<ui5-custom-textarea id="textarea-value-state-msg" growing value="Test" value-state="Error">
<div id="value-state-msg" slot="valueStateMessage">Information message. This is a <a href="#">Link</a>. Extra long text used as an information message. Extra long text used as an information message - 2. Extra long text used as an information message - 3.</div>
<ui5-icon id="clr" name="decline" slot="icons"></ui5-icon>
- Note the code in
for the full usage.