Solution for the organizing a family tree. The main goal is to provide a possibility to build family ties of the Bible persons, include dates, roles, places. That allows to simplify the researching of Bible.
To build under:
- Linux requares: git(1.9.1), gcc(4.8.4), make(3.81)
- Windows requares: cygwin, git(2.10.1), gcc(5.4), make(4.1)
Clone project
git clone
change the directory
cd FamilyTree
and simply compile it
The family_tree.a library will be located in the $PATH/lib/
To run unit tests
make tests
It will perform following:
- clone google tests into project root directory
- build google tests library
- build unit tests and run them
For the second time the only building unit tests and run them will be performed
To build samples (under samples dir) run
make samples