My entry for jsk13 2021. Explore the vastness of space as a probe trying to spread the knowledge of a lost earth. A game about patience, and loneliness.
Made to be self contained in a SVG and then embedded via an object tag ('Why not canvas' you ask? I was curious). The game randomly generates a map at start. I believe traveling from one side of the map to the other takes about 7-ish hours without ship upgrades. There are special things to find and generic celestial bodies. Arrow keys control movement and scanning/communicating with objects. I think I could have gotten this much smaller without a ton of work but it was already under 13k so 🤷♀️. For music Tir includes a thoroughly mangled version of TinyMusic. An absolutely phenomenal music player! The music itself is randomly generated. Arrow keys control ship movement, and 'M' toggles music.
The earth has gone dark. A probe was sent out to find intelligent life and tell them our story so that we can live on in their memories.
You can link to the index.html file or, following the below example, you can change the path to the tir.svg data attribute and add it to a webpage. The width and height set in the style attribute can really be any size but the experience is best the larger it is.
<object style="width:100%;height:calc(100vh - 20px)" type="image/svg+xml" data="tir.svg">Oops, something went wrong :-/</object>