Introduction This repo contains my implementation of a Chess Engine. It is still in progress, and the game analysis functions are in the progress of being optimized and built.
- Board Initialization
- The board is initialized as 16 different bit-boards. These are used to track the current position of each different piece. We use bit-boards as they are more space effective and increase effieciency significantly.
- Move Generation
- We can create bitboards by using XOR and XAND operations like location of black pieces, location of white pieces so on.
- Using these extra boards along with bit shifts allows us to calculate the possible moves for each piece.
- Sliding move generation is a little bit more complex, and this is done using magic bitboards.
- The AI
- The AI currently is very basic and uses a search tree with alpha beta pruning to find the best series of highest scoring moves depending on the opponent.
** Building Navigate to the alpha beta folder and runn Chess.c.