A simple browser based IDE for Arduino based on Cylon
Idea is to use Cylon which is a fantastic IOT javascript framework and put together a simple Arduino IDE which would ultimately be distributed as a Chrome App.
I have started this project using React and am learning it as I develop more features. Embedded text editor uses Code Mirror and for data flow management I am experimenting with Redux. Since, this project would involve dynmic script loading and caching (localStorage), I decided to go with Basket which seems like an extremely useful tool (Big ups to AddyOsmani)!
Unit tests! Want to write unit tests for all components (Almost done)Need to port Basket entirely using Chrome API's (Major re-write)- Wire Up Chrome API's and get initial functionality
is currently distributed on CDN and doesn't have a registry on NPM (:/) and the code is also pretty ancient. I plan to write a node module and push it to NPM.