- 👩💻 Hello, I'm Clara Maestri, welcome to my profile! (´꒳`)♡. I'm 23 years old and I'm from Espírito Santo, Brazil.
- 📖 Information Systems undergraduate
- 📱 Front-end web/mobile developer, with a special interest in UX/UI design
- ♀️ Pronouns: she/her
- 💬 Languages I speak: Portuguese & English
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any projects that need front-end development, especially those that are mobile-focused.
- 🌱 I’m currently working on React/React Native projects using Typescript, and planning to learn more about Flutter in the nearby future
- ✨ Fun Fact: I'm a painter as a hobby, but if I weren't a dev, I'd like to be an astronomer ☆
- Typescript
- Javascript
- React
- PostgreSQL
- Node.js
- Java/Springboot