This API lets you create a character for tabletop RPGs, loosely based on D&D 5e and Pillars of Eternity. The API was developed with:
- Java 17
- Spring
- Docker Compose
- MongoDB 5.0
- You can roll a D3, D4, D6, D10, D12, D20, and D100 dices.
- Create new user, with username, email, and password.
- Retrieve user data.
- Allow users to change their username.
- Allow users to change their password.
- Allow users to delete their account.
- Allow a user to create a new player character.
- Allow a user to retrieve their player characters data.
- Allow a user to retrieve one of their player characters data.
- Allow a user to update their player character.
- Allow a user to delete their player character.
To set up the database, run:
docker-compose up -d --build
You need to create a keyspace with the name pet_management_api in the Cassandra database, after the containers are running.
Download the project dependencies with the following command:
mvn clean install
Execute the following command to run the application:
mvn spring-boot:run
Execute the application tests with the following command:
mvn test
Vitor Vidal -
This project uses the MIT License. You can read it here.