This is main repository for Link Zone project.
- Technologies used
This project is built upon next technologies:
- PHP 5.4 (Planning to move to PHP 5.5)
- PostgreSQL as Data Storage
- Symfony2 (2.2) PHP Framework (Planing to move to 2.3)
- jQuery for UI (Planning to use AngularJS + Twitter Bootstrap)
- Twig Templating Engine
- Composer to manage dependencies
- Symfony Bundles used
- FOSUserBundle as user registration/authorization implementation
- DoctrineMigrationsBundle in order to manage database migrations
- KnpMenyBundle
- FPNTagBundle
- Deployment
In order to deploy the application, you need to perform next steps:
git clone LinkZone && cd LinkZone
If you do not have composer installed, you can get it installed by issuing curl -s | php
Then, in order to install dependencies, run
php composer.phar install
For this, first edit app/config/parameters.yml
file and set proper database credentials. Then issue
php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
This will update your database to the most recent version