This application show cases a simple hello-world like application using typed actors in Akka. Three actors are involved in this application; namely
- GreeterActor: Responds to 'Greet' request message with a 'Greeted' response message
- GreetingSeekerActor: Responds to 'Greeted' message. Requires the 'number of time to greet' (n) as an input and sends a request to the GreeterActor to ensure 'n' 'Greeted' messages are received by this actor.
- GreetingApplication: Creates a single child 'GreeterActor' and a child 'GreetingSeekerActor' for each 'SayHello' request message it receives. The 'name' attribute of SayHello message is utilised to forward the request to its child 'GreeterActor'.