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DIAGen: Semantically Diverse Image Augmentation with Generative Models for Few-Shot Learning (GCPR 2024)


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DIAGen: Semantically Diverse Image Augmentation with Generative Models for Few-Shot Learning (GCPR 2024)

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DIAGen: Semantically Diverse Image Augmentation with Generative Models for Few-Shot Learning
Tobias Lingenberg, Markus Reuter, Gopika Sudhakaran, Dominik Gojny, Stefan Roth, Simone Schaub-Meyer
GCPR, 2024

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Simple data augmentation techniques, such as rotations and flips, are widely used to enhance the generalization power of computer vision models. However, these techniques often fail to modify high-level semantic attributes of a class. To address this limitation, researchers have explored generative augmentation methods like the recently proposed DA-Fusion. Despite some progress, the variations are still largely limited to textural changes, thus falling short on aspects like varied viewpoints, environment, weather conditions, or even class-level semantic attributes (e.g., variations in a dog’s breed). To overcome this challenge, we propose DIAGen, building upon DA-Fusion. First, we apply Gaussian noise to the embeddings of an object learned with Textual Inversion to diversify generations using a pre-trained diffusion model’s knowledge. Second, we exploit the general knowledge of a text-to-text generative model to guide the image generation of the diffusion model with varied class-specific prompts. Finally, We introduce a weighting mechanism to mitigate the impact of poorly generated samples. Experimental results across various datasets show that DIAGen not only enhances semantic diversity but also improves the performance of subsequent classifiers. The advantages of DIAGen over standard augmentations and the DA-Fusion baseline are particularly pronounced with out-of-distribution samples.


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DIAGen is benchmarked on various few-shot image classification datasets, including MS COCO, FOCUS, and our Custom COCO dataset, which includes handmade images for 23 MS COCO classes. Own datasets can be evaluated by implementing subclasses of semantic_aug/

1. Setting Up Custom COCO

The Custom COCO dataset images are included in this repository and can be found here.

2. Setting Up FOCUS

An explanation on how to download the FOCUS dataset (original repo) can be found here. After downloading and unzipping, execute our semantic_aug/datasets/ to extract all the images into the needed directory structure and create a train, val and test split.

After that the FOCUS task is usable from semantic_aug/datasets/ Update the FOCUS_DIR variable located here to point to your local focus dataset directory.

3. Setting Up MS COCO

To set up MS COCO, first download the 2017 Training Images, the 2017 Validation Images, and the 2017 Train/Val Annotations. These files should be unzipped into the following directory structure.


Update the COCO_DIR variable located here to point to your local coco2017 directory.

Note: Since MS COCO is not inherently designed for single-label classification, images are labeled according to the class of the largest object in the image.

DIAGen Pipeline

DIAGen Pipeline

The source code for the DIAGen pipeline is split into the following steps:

1. Textual Inversion (

In the first step, Textual Inversion is used to learn representations of all classes in the dataset as new pseudo words. To do this, needs to be executed.

An example call could look like this:

python --dataset="custom_coco" --output_dir=./ --pretrained_model_name_or_path="CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4" --resolution=512 --train_batch_size=4 --lr_warmup_steps=0 --gradient_accumulation_steps=1 --max_train_steps=1000 --learning_rate=5.0e-04 --scale_lr --lr_scheduler="constant" --mixed_precision=fp16 --revision=fp16 --gradient_checkpointing --only_save_embeds --flip_p 0.5 --seeds 0 --examples-per-class 2 --device 0       

2. Intermediate Processing (

Executing will save all learned embeddings as a file. In this step we also introduce our first contribution (a) embedding noise, controlled by the parameters --augment-embeddings and --std-deviation.

An example call could look like this:

python --seeds 0 --examples-per-class 2 --dataset "custom_coco" --augment-embeddings True

3. Generating Semantically Diverse Prompts (

For our second contribution (b) class-specific prompts, the script needs to be executed. If you want to generate the text-prompts via the GPT 4 model, it is necessary to add an api key in a .env file here in the project directory.

An example call could look like this:

python --dataset "custom_coco" --model "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf" --prompts-per-class 5 --out-filename "custom_coco_llama.csv"

4. Image Generation and Train Downstream Model (

The actual image generation process is combined with the training of the downstream classifier in Our third contribution (c) weighting mechanism for the synthetic images, can be controlled by the parameter --synthetic_filter which executes the code in

An example call could look like this:

python --dataset "custom_coco" --examples-per-class 2 --seed 0 --strength 0.7 --guidance-scale 15 --synthetic-probability 0.7 --use-embedding-noise 1 --use-generated-prompts 1 --prompt-path "prompts/custom_coco_llama.csv" --synthetic_filter "train" --method "DIAGen" --eval_on_test_set "test" --num-synthetic 10 --num-epochs 50 --iterations-per-epoch 200 --device 0


If you find DIAGen helpful, please consider citing our work:

  title={DIAGen: Diverse Image Augmentation with Generative Models},
  author={Lingenberg, Tobias and Reuter, Markus and Sudhakaran, Gopika and Gojny, Dominik and Roth, Stefan and Schaub-Meyer, Simone},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.14584},


DIAGen: Semantically Diverse Image Augmentation with Generative Models for Few-Shot Learning (GCPR 2024)







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