HackerRank is a programming practice platform that provides competitive challenges and tests for learning skills and preparing for technology careers. Many major employers, like Google and Meta, use HackerRank or similar platforms to assess the coding skills of potential candidates.
In this Repository, you can find solutions for Easy hackerRank problems in Java. Feel Free to Fork and Upload your Solutions as Well.
1. Solve Me First
2. Compare the Triplets
3. A Very Big Sum
4. Diagonal Difference
5. Plus Minus
6. Staircase
7. Mimi-Max
8. Birthday Cake Candles
9. Time Conversion
10. Grading Students
11. Apples & Oranges
12. Number Line Jumps (Kangaroo Problem)
13. Breaking The Records
14. Subarray Division
15. Divisible Sum Pairs
16. Migratory Birds
17. Bill Division
18. Sales By Match
19. Drawing Book
20. Between Two Sets
21. Cats And A Mouse
22. Day of the Programmer
23. Counting Valleys
24. Hurdle Race
25. Designer pdf Viewer
26. Electronics Shop
27. Utopian Tree
28. Angry Professor
29. Beautiful Days
30. Strange Advertising
31. Cut The Sticks
32. Sequence Equation
33. Find Digits
34. Circular Array Rotation
35. Missing Number
36. Find The Median
37. Closest Numbers
38. Sherlock and Arrays
39. Jim and The Orders
40. Mark and Toys