Ultimate Goal of the project is to build a Chatbot which can detect and also respond to user sarcasm. In the 1st phase of the project, the goal is to build a chatbot which can respond to user queries non-sarcastically. These user queries are restricted under a closed domain of Movie Database.
To extract information from a database based system one need to have an expertise in SQL commands. In these conditions a simple conversation system which can convert Natural Language query into a Database query will be a boon to industry. Natural Language Interface to Database systems (NLIDB) helps us to convert Natural Language queries into SQL commands. This project demonstrates a NLIDB system for Movie Database, where an user can ask anything regarding movies in Natural Language and the system will convert it into SQL Query and give results to user.
Arjun R. Akula, Rajeev Sangal, Radhika Mamidi (2013) have presented an approach which identifies how the contextual information is utilized in the interactions between the user and the system implemented in the natural Language interface to Database (NLiDB).They have used three models namely (Linear Disjoint Model, Linear Coincident Model and NonLinear Model) for utilizing the contextual information in the interactions.
Saikrishna Srirampur, Ravi Chandibhamar, Ashish Palakurthi, Radhika Mamidi (2014) captures the concepts of the Natural Language query using Concepts Identification technique. They have identified the concepts of their own and making it a Named Entity Recognition(NER) problem and having restricted the domain to the Course management Domain. They have used a machine learning approach and the algorithm used is Conditional Random Field.
Manju Mony ,Jyothi M. Rao ,Manish M. Potey (2014) made a report stating various methodologies and approaches to build NLiDB systems along with their advantages and disadvantages and their application areas.They have also implemented an Natural Language Interface in Airline reservation domain.The report mentions the earlier frameworks such as Pattern matching, Syntax based systems , Semantic based systems and intermediate based representation languages and modern based techniques such as machine learning approaches,Intermediate query generation,Ontology based approaches and other techniques.The paper implements a flight reservation system which uses Intermediate based approach and syntax based approach.Syntax Analysis performs syntactic processing and breaks the input sentence into its constituent parts and identifies the relations between the concepts. Intermediate Query approach allows to easily perform the mapping of concepts to an intermediate representation.
This section discusses the methodology used to build this NLIDB System of Movie Database.
We used a IMDB Dataset found on Github (Link). It consists of 28 attributes out of which we used 12 prime attributes. We divided the dataset among 5 tables Genre, Members, Movie, Movie_Genre and Movie_Members.
Genre: Universal set of Genres available in our dataset.
Members: Consists of all the Directors and Main cast of movies.
Movie: Table consisting different attributes regarding movies.
Movie_Genre: Maps a movie with different types of Genres it has.
Movie_Members: Maps a movie with members who acted or directed it.
NLIDB System is responsible for converting user’s NL query into SQL statement. The given NL query is passed into a Tokenizer, then we POS tag the tokenized words and then we parsed it using Stanford Dependency Parser. Dependency parsing helps us in knowing the relation between words. For example, if the user’s query is “What are the top movies rated above 8 which are released before 2015”. In this example, the dependency parser helps us to know that ‘above’ corresponds to rating and ‘before’ corresponds to year. Based on these Dependencies and POS tags, we generated an SQL query which is used to extract corresponding data from Database.
We tested the chatbot over wide range of Natural Language queries. The following are the questions which were verified to work correctly using our chatbot. These Questions are categorized further for better readability.
- Search using genre i. Top 10 action movies. ii. Best adventure movie. iii. Which is the best animation movie iv. Suggest some movies of drama v. What is the best Sci-Fi movie vi. Name some action and not adventure movies
- Search using members i. Name some movies of James Cameron ii. Movies of Tom Hardy iii. Best movie of Christopher Nolan iv. What movies are directed by James Wan v. In which movies did Vin Diesel act vi. Movies of Christopher Nolan and James Cameron vii. Best movies of Vin Diesel and Tom Hardy
- Search using year i. Movies after 2010 ii. What movies released before 2011 iii. Name the best movie in 2012 iv. Which movies released after 2009 and before 2015
- Search using rating i. Movies rating above 8 ii. Name same movies rated 9 iii. Which movies are below 6 iv. Movies rated below 9 and above 8
- Search using duration i. Movies less than 2 hrs ii. Movies more than 150 mins iii. Name best movies greater than 2 hours iv. top movie less than 150 mintue v. Movies longer than 2 hrs
- Search using country i. Movies from USA ii. Best movies in New Zealand iii. Best movie from UK iv. Some movies in Canada and Australia
- Search using language i. English movies ii. Best English movie iii. Movies in English
- Combined search i. Top 5 action movies of USA after 1980, greater than 100 mins and rating above 5 of Tom Hardy and James Cameron in English ii. movies from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, UK and USA in English of Tom Hardy iii. movies from USA in English and rating above 7 and less than 2 hours Members:
- Search using genre i. Names of action directors ii. Best action hero and director iii. Get all sport directors iv. Who is best action hero v. Directors of drama and thriller movies vi. Directors of action and not adventure movies
- Search using movie i. Director of Titanic ii. Cast of Avatar iii. Cast and crew of John Carter iv. Actors of Avatar
- Search using year i. Directors after 2010 ii. Actors before 2007 iii. Name the best actor in 2012 iv. Who are directors after 2009 and before 2015
- Search using country i. Directors from USA ii. Best actor in New Zealand iii. Best director from UK iv. Top actors in Canada and Australia
- Search using language i. English directors ii. Best English actor
- Combines search i. Best director in UK before 2013 ii. Adventure movie directors from Canada iii. Top English action actors in New Zealand before 2010 Fields:
- Name i. Name top ten action movies ii. Drama movie names iii. Best actors name iv. action directors v. Names of sport actors
- Rating i. rating of adventure movies ii. Highest rated movie iii. Best action movie rating iv. rating of Titanic v. Top thriller movie score
- IMDB Link i. Link of Avatar ii. links for animation movies iii. imdb link for Avatar
- Language i. Language of Titanic ii. In which language is Avatar available iii. What is the language of John Carter
- Duration i. duration of Avatar ii. length of Avatar iii. run time of Titanic iv. What is duration of Avatar
- Year i. In which year did Avatar release ii. release date of Avatar iii. When did Titanic release
- Country i. Which country Avatar belongs to ii. Where did Titanic release iii. Place of Avatar iv. city in which Titanic release Others:
- Count i. How many action directors are there ii. Count of drama movies iii. Number of action actors
- Where i. Where did Avatar release ii. Where did best action movie released
- When i. When did John Carter release ii. When did best action movie release
Convert Database result into NL response.
Github: Sarcastic Chatbot: https://github.com/arunreddy079/sarcastic_chatbot NLIDB System: https://github.com/VishalReddy-Wudaru/MovieNLIDB
Python 3.6 Java 1.8+ Stanford CoreNLP 3.9.1 (https://stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP/history.html)
pip install stanfordcorenlp pip install nltk pip install sqlite3 Pip install word2number Pip install python3-tk
Setup path of Stanford CoreNLP Folder in Main.py nlp = StanfordCoreNLP(r'stanford-corenlp-full-2018-02-27') Setup path of Database in Main.py conn = sqlite3.connect('Data/MovieDB.db') Run UISample.py