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Pktgen - Traffic Generator powered by Intel's DPDK

Pktgen is a traffic generator powered by Intel's DPDK at wire rate traffic with 64 byte frames.

** (Pktgen) Sounds like 'Packet-Gen'**

Copyright © <2010-2017>, Intel Corporation All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  • Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


Pktgen: Created 2010 by Keith Wiles @, now at

======================== file ==============================

*** Pktgen *** Copyright &copy <2015-2017>, Intel Corporation.

README for setting up Pktgen with DPDK on Ubuntu 10.04 to 16.10 desktop, it should work on most Linux systems as long as the kernel has hugeTLB page support.

Note: Tested with Ubuntu 13.10 and up to 16.10 kernel versions Linux 3.5.0-25-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 25 18:26:58 UTC 2013 x86_64

I am using Ubuntu 16.10 x86_64 (64 bit support) for running Pktgen-DPDK on a Crownpass Dual socket board running at 2.4GHz with 32GB of ram 16GB per socket. The current kernel version is 4.4.0-66-generic (as of 2017-04-01) support, but should work on just about any new Linux kernel version.

Currently using as of 2017-04-01 Ubuntu 16.10 Kernel 4.4.0-66-generic system.

To get hugeTLB page support your Linux kernel must be at least 2.6.33 and in the DPDK documents it talks about how you can upgrade your Linux kernel.

Here is another document on how to upgrade your Linux kernel. Ubuntu 10.04 is 2.6.32 by default so upgraded to kernel 2.6.34 using this HOWTO:

The pktgen output display needs 132 columns and about 42 lines to display currentlyt. I am using an xterm of 132x42, but you can have a larger display and maybe a bit smaller. If you are displaying more then 4-6 ports then you will need a wider display. Pktgen allows you to view a set of ports if they do not all fit on the screen at one time via the 'page' command.

Type 'help' at the 'Pktgen>' prompt to see the complete Pktgen command line commands. Pktgen uses VT100 control codes or escape codes to display the screens, which means your terminal must support VT100. The Hyperterminal in windows is not going to work for Pktgen as it has a few problems with VT100 codes.

Pktgen has a number of modes to send packets single, range, random, sequeue and PCAP modes. Each mode has its own set of packet buffers and you must configure each mode to work correctly. The single packet mode is the information displayed at startup screen or when using the 'page main or page 0' command. The other screens can be accessed using 'page seq|range|rnd|pcap|stats' command.

The pktgen program as built can send up to 16 packets per port in a sequence and you can configure a port using the 'seq' pktgen command. A script file can be loaded from the shell command line via the -f option and you can 'load' a script file from within pktgen as well.

In the BIOS make sure the HPET High Precision Event Timer is enabled. Also make sure hyper-threading is enabled.

** NOTE ** On a 10GB NIC if the transceivers are not attached the screen updates will go very slow.

*** Pktgen command line directory format ***

`` -- Pktgen Ver: 3.2.0 (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0) Powered by Intel® DPDK ---------------

Pktgen:/> ls [pktgen] [sbin] copyright Pktgen:/> ls pktgen/bin off on debug set pcap stp str stop start disable enable range theme page seq sequence ping4 port restart rst reset cls redisplay save lua script load geom geometry clr clear.stats help Pktgen:/> ``

Pktgen:/> ls [pktgen] [sbin] copyright Pktgen:/> ls sbin env dbg path hugepages cmap sizes more history quit clear pwd cd ls rm mkdir chelp sleep delay Pktgen:/>

`` Pktgen:/> cd sbin Pktgen:/sbin/> Pktgen:/sbin/> ls -l env Command : Set up environment variables dbg Command : debug commands path Command : display the command path list hugepages Command : hugepages # display hugepage info cmap Command : cmap # display the core mapping sizes Command : sizes # display some internal sizes more Command : more # display a file content history Command : history # display the current history quit Command : quit # quit the application clear Command : clear # clear the screen pwd Command : pwd # display current working directory cd Command : cd

# change working directory ls Command : ls [-lr] # list current directory rm Command : remove a file or directory mkdir Command : create a directory chelp Command : CLI help - display information for DPDK sleep Command : delay a number of seconds delay Command : delay a number of milliseconds

Pktgen:/sbin/> Pktgen:/sbin/> cd .. Pktgen:/> ``

`` Pktgen:/pktgen/> cd bin Pktgen:/pktgen/bin/> ls -l off Alias : disable screen on Alias : enable screen debug Command : debug commands set Command : set a number of options pcap Command : pcap commands stp Alias : stop all str Alias : start all stop Command : stop features start Command : start features disable Command : disable features enable Command : enable features range Command : Range commands theme Command : Set, save, show the theme page Command : change page displays seq Alias : sequence sequence Command : sequence command ping4 Command : Send a ping packet for IPv4 port Command : Switch between ports restart Command : restart port rst Alias : reset all reset Command : reset pktgen configuration cls Alias : redisplay redisplay Command : redisplay the screen save Command : save the current state lua Command : execute a Lua string script Command : run a Lua script load Command : load command file geom Alias : geometry geometry Command : set the screen geometry clr Alias : clear.stats all clear.stats Command : clear stats help Command : help command

Pktgen:/pktgen/bin/> Get the DPDK and pktgen source code from or repo via:


git clone git://


git clone git://

`` ** Note ** The site you must also pull down DPDK repo as well. git://

Will create a directory called Pktgen-DPDK in the current directory location. Using the above clone commands you will get DPDK and pktgen source files.

Make sure you have HUGE TLB support in the kernel with the following commands: ``

grep -i huge /boot/config-2.6.35-24-generic


grep -i huge /proc/meminfo

HugePages_Total:128 HugePages_Free: 128 HugePages_Rsvd:0 HugePages_Surp:0 Hugepagesize: 2048 kB `` NOTE: The values in Total and Free maybe different until you reboot the machine.

Two files in /etc must be setup to support huge TLBs. If you do not have hugeTLB support then you most likely need a newer kernel. ``

vi /etc/sysctl.conf

Add to the bottom of the file for 2M hugepages: vm.nr_hugepages=256 If you need more or less hugeTLB pages then you can change the value to a number you need it to be. In some cases pktgen needs a fair number of pages and making it too small will effect performance or pktgen will terminate on startup looking for more pages.

On Ubuntu 15.10 I noticed mounting /mnt/huge is not required as /dev/hugepages

is already mounted. Check your system and verify that /mnt/huge is required.

vi /etc/fstab

Add to the bottom of the file: huge /mnt/huge hugetlbfs defaults 0 0

mkdir /mnt/huge

chmod 777 /mnt/huge

`` Reboot your machine as the huge pages must be setup just after boot to make sure you have contiguous memory for the 2Meg pages, setting up 1G pages can also be done.

** Note: If you startup Eclipse or WR Workbench before starting pktgen the first time after reboot, pktgen will fail to load because it can not get all of the huge pages as eclipse has consumed some of the huge pages. If you did start eclipse or WR Workbench then you need to close that application first.

This is my current machine you will have a few different numbers depending on how your system was booted and if you had hugeTLB support enabled.

At the pktgen-DPDK level directory we have the 'tools/' script, which needs to be run as root once per boot. The script contains a commands to setup the environment.

Make sure you run the setup script as root via './tools/'. The setup script is a bash script and tries to setup the system correctly, but you may have to change the script to match your number of huge pages you configured above and ports.

The modprobe uio command, in the setup script, loads the UIO support module into the kernel plus it loads the igb-uio.ko module into the kernel. The two echo commands, in the setup script, finish setting up the huge pages one for each socket. If you only have a single socket system then comment out the second echo command. The last command is to display the huge TLB setup.

Edit your .bashrc or .profile or .cshrc to add the environment variables. I am using bash: # vi ~/.bashrc Add the following lines: Change the $RTE_SDK to the location of the DPDK version directory. Your SDK directory maybe named differently, but should point to the DPDK SDK directory.

Make sure you have the Linux kernel headers installed as DPDK requires them to build the kernel modules. On Ubuntu I run the following:

# sudo apt-get install linux-headers-uname -r``

You will need to adjust the version number to match your current kernel version. If you upgrade your system or kernel version you will need to install the correct headers and rebuild the RTE_TARGET directory.


sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev

export RTE_SDK= export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc or use clang if you have it installed export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-clang Create the DPDK build tree:


make install T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc -j

`` This above command will create the x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc directory in the top level of the current-dkdp directory. The above command will build the basic DPDK libraries and build tree.

Next we build pktgen: ``



You should now have pktgen built and to run pktgen type 'sudo -E ./tools/', which is a script to help with the command line options of pktgen. You may need to modify this script for your system and configuration.

cat ./tools/


#rkwiles@rkwiles-desk:~/projects/intel/dpdk$ lspci |grep Ether #06:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #06:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #08:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 01) #09:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 01) #83:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation DH8900CC Null Device (rev 21) #87:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #87:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #89:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #89:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01)

if [ $name == "rkwiles-supermicro" ]; then ./app/app/${target}/pktgen -l 4-12 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 512,512 --file-prefix pg -b 06:00.0 -b 06:00.1 -b 08:00.0 -b 08:00.1 -b 09:00.0 -b 09:00.1 -b 83:00.1 -- -T -P -m "[5:7].0, [6:8].1, [9:11].2, [10:12].3" -f themes/black-yellow.theme fi `` ** Note: The '-m NNN' in the DPDK arguments is to have DPDK allocate 512 megs of memory. The '--socket-mem 256,156' DPDK command will allocate 256M from each CPU (two in this case). Do not use the '-m NNN' and '--socket-mem NN,NN' commands on the same command line.

The pktgen program follows the same format as a standard DPDK linuxapp, meaning the first set of arguments '-l 0-4' are the standard DPDK arguments. This option defines the number of logical cores to be used by pktgen. The 1f states 5 lcores are used and the '3c' is just a bit array for each lcore to be used. The '-P' enables promiscuous mode on all ports if you need that support. The '-m "..."' sets up the port to lcore mapping for pktgen.

The second half of the command line followed by the '--' is pktgen specific options.

The pktgen requires 2 logical cores for a minimum system. The first lcore 0 used for pktgen command line and is used for timers also displaying the text on the screen and lcores 1-n are used to do the packet receive and transmits along with anything else related to packets. You do not need to start at lcore zero, but the first lcore in the bitmap from in the least signification bit location is the display and timer lcore used by pktgen.

The -m format now allows the developer to have different lcores for rx and tx instead of rx/tx on the same lcore. The above format of {1:3}.0 states to use lcore 1 for rx and lcore 3 for tx on port 0. Make sure you select different lcores for the rx and tx so that only a single rx or tx function is on a single physical core. If you pick the rx/tx functions on different lcores, but on the same physical core you will not be able to get the performance you want as the single physical core will be trying to do both Rx/Tx functions.

The '-n 2' is a required argument for DPDK and denotes the number of memory channels.

*** New setup and run python script with config files ***

Using the new tools/ script to setup and run pktgen with different configurations. The configuration files are located in the cfg directory with filenames ending in .cfg.

To use a configuration file; `` $ ./tools/ -s default # to setup the ports and attach them to DPDK (only needed once per boot)

$ ./tools/ default # Run the default configuration `` The configuration files are python scritps or a set of variables that uses to initialize and run pktgen. Here is an example of the default.cfg file:


Setup configuration

setup = { 'devices': [ '04:00.0 04:00.1 04:00.2 04:00.3', '81:00.0 81:00.1 81:00.2 81:00.3', '82:00.0 83:00.0' ],

'opts': [
	'-b igb_uio'

Run command and options

run = { 'dpdk': [ '-l 8,9-16', '-n 4', '--proc-type auto', '--log-level 7', '--socket-mem 2048,2048', '--file-prefix pg' ],

'blacklist': [
	'-b 05:00.0 -b 05:00.1',
	'-b 04:00.0 -b 04:00.1 -b 04:00.2 -b 04:00.3',
	#'-b 81:00.0 -b 81:00.1 -b 81:00.2 -b 81:00.3',
	'-b 82:00.0 -b 83:00.0'
'pktgen': [
	'-m [9:10].0',
	'-m [11:12].1',
	'-m [13:14].2',
	'-m [15:16].3'

'misc': [
	'-f themes/black-yellow.theme'


`` Usage: ./app/pktgen -l CORELIST -n NUM [-m NB] [-r NUM] [-b domain:bus:devid.func][--proc-type primary|secondary|auto]

Copyright (c) <2010-2017>, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Powered by Intel® DPDK ./app/app/x86_64-dnet-linuxapp-gcc/pktgen: invalid option -- 'x' EAL: Detected 72 lcore(s) ./app/app/x86_64-dnet-linuxapp-gcc/pktgen: invalid option -- 'x'

Usage: ./app/app/x86_64-dnet-linuxapp-gcc/pktgen [options]

EAL common options: -c COREMASK Hexadecimal bitmask of cores to run on -l CORELIST List of cores to run on The argument format is [-c2][,c3[-c4],...] where c1, c2, etc are core indexes between 0 and 128 --lcores COREMAP Map lcore set to physical cpu set The argument format is '<lcores[@cpus]>[<,lcores[@cpus]>...]' lcores and cpus list are grouped by '(' and ')' Within the group, '-' is used for range separator, ',' is used for single number separator. '( )' can be omitted for single element group, '@' can be omitted if cpus and lcores have the same value --master-lcore ID Core ID that is used as master -n CHANNELS Number of memory channels -m MB Memory to allocate (see also --socket-mem) -r RANKS Force number of memory ranks (don't detect) -b, --pci-blacklist Add a PCI device in black list. Prevent EAL from using this PCI device. The argument format is domain:bus:devid.func. -w, --pci-whitelist Add a PCI device in white list. Only use the specified PCI devices. The argument format is <[domain:]bus:devid.func>. This option can be present several times (once per device). [NOTE: PCI whitelist cannot be used with -b option] --vdev Add a virtual device. The argument format is [,key=val,...] (ex: --vdev=net_pcap0,iface=eth2). -d|DIR Add a driver or driver directory (can be used multiple times) --vmware-tsc-map Use VMware TSC map instead of native RDTSC --proc-type Type of this process (primary|secondary|auto) --syslog Set syslog facility --log-level Set default log level -v Display version information on startup -h, --help This help

EAL options for DEBUG use only: --huge-unlink Unlink hugepage files after init --no-huge Use malloc instead of hugetlbfs --no-pci Disable PCI --no-hpet Disable HPET --no-shconf No shared config (mmap'd files)

EAL Linux options: --socket-mem Memory to allocate on sockets (comma separated values) --huge-dir Directory where hugetlbfs is mounted --file-prefix Prefix for hugepage filenames --base-virtaddr Base virtual address --create-uio-dev Create /dev/uioX (usually done by hotplug) --vfio-intr Interrupt mode for VFIO (legacy|msi|msix) --xen-dom0 Support running on Xen dom0 without hugetlbfs

===== Application Usage =====

Usage: ./app/app/x86_64-dnet-linuxapp-gcc/pktgen [EAL options] -- [-h] [-P] [-G] [-T] [-f cmd_file] [-l log_file] [-s P:PCAP_file] [-m ] -s P:file PCAP packet stream file, 'P' is the port number -f filename Command file (.pkt) to execute or a Lua script (.lua) file -l filename Write log to filename -I use CLI -P Enable PROMISCUOUS mode on all ports -g address Optional IP address and port number default is (localhost:0x5606) If -g is used that enable socket support as a server application -G Enable socket support using default server values localhost:0x5606 -N Enable NUMA support -T Enable the color output --crc-strip Strip CRC on all ports -m matrix for mapping ports to logical cores BNF: (or kind of BNF) := """ { "," } """ := "." := "[" ":" "]" := "[" ":" "]" := { "/" ( | ) } := { "/" ( | ) } := { "/" ( | ) } := "-" { "/" } := + := 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 1.0, 2.1, 3.2 - core 1 handles port 0 rx/tx, core 2 handles port 1 rx/tx core 3 handles port 2 rx/tx 1.[0-2], 2.3, ... - core 1 handle ports 0,1,2 rx/tx, core 2 handle port 3 rx/tx [0-1].0, [2/4-5].1, ... - cores 0-1 handle port 0 rx/tx, cores 2,4,5 handle port 1 rx/tx [1:2].0, [4:6].1, ... - core 1 handles port 0 rx, core 2 handles port 0 tx, [1:2].[0-1], [4:6].[2/3], ... - core 1 handles port 0 & 1 rx, core 2 handles port 0 & 1 tx [1:2-3].0, [4:5-6].1, ... - core 1 handles port 0 rx, cores 2,3 handle port 0 tx core 4 handles port 1 rx & core 5,6 handles port 1 tx [1-2:3].0, [4-5:6].1, ... - core 1,2 handles port 0 rx, core 3 handles port 0 tx core 4,5 handles port 1 rx & core 6 handles port 1 tx [1-2:3-5].0, [4-5:6/8].1, ... - core 1,2 handles port 0 rx, core 3,4,5 handles port 0 tx core 4,5 handles port 1 rx & core 6,8 handles port 1 tx [1:2].[0:0-7], [3:4].[1:0-7], - core 1 handles port 0 rx, core 2 handles ports 0-7 tx core 3 handles port 1 rx & core 4 handles port 0-7 tx BTW: you can use "{}" instead of "[]" as it does not matter to the syntax. -h Display the help information `` A new feature for pktgen and DPDK is to run multiple instances of pktgen. This allows the developer to share ports on the same machine.

------------- script ---------------- `` #!/bin/bash

Normal setup

different cores for each port.

name=uname -n

Use './tools/' to include environment variables

if [ -z ${RTE_SDK} ] ; then echo "*** RTE_SDK is not set, did you forget to do 'sudo -E ./tools/'" export RTE_SDK=/work/home/rkwiles/projects/intel/dpdk export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-clang fi sdk=${RTE_SDK}

if [ -z ${RTE_TARGET} ]; then echo "*** RTE_TARGET is not set, did you forget to do 'sudo -E ./tools/'" target=x86_64-pktgen-linuxapp-gcc else target=${RTE_TARGET} fi

#rkwiles@rkwiles-desk:~/projects/intel/dpdk$ lspci |grep Ether #06:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #06:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #08:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 01) #09:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 01) #83:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation DH8900CC Null Device (rev 21) #87:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #87:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #89:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01) #89:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-Q1 (rev 01)

if [ $name == "rkwiles-supermicro" ]; then ./app/app/${target}/pktgen -l 4-16 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 512,512 --file-prefix pg -b 06:00.0 -b 06:00.1 -b 08:00.0 -b 08:00.1 -b 09:00.0 -b 09:00.1 -b 83:00.1 -- -T -P -m "[5:7].0, [6:8].1, [9:11].2, [10:12].3" -f themes/black-yellow.theme fi

#00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V #01:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation DH8900CC Series Gigabit Network Connection (rev 10) #01:00.2 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation DH8900CC Series Gigabit Network Connection (rev 10) #01:00.3 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation DH8900CC Series Gigabit Network Connection (rev 10) #01:00.4 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation DH8900CC Series Gigabit Network Connection (rev 10)

if [ $name == "rkwiles-mini-i7" ]; then ./app/app/${target}/pktgen -l 0-4 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 512 --file-prefix pg -- -T -P -m "1.0, 2.1, 3.2, 4.3" -f themes/black-yellow.theme fi `` ------------- script ----------------

------------- script ---------------- `` #!/bin/bash

Use './tools/' to include environment variables

if [ -z ${RTE_SDK} ] ; then echo "*** RTE_SDK is not set, did you forget to do 'sudo -E ./tools/'" echo "Using "${RTE_SDK} export RTE_SDK=/work/home/rkwiles/projects/intel/dpdk export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-clang fi sdk=${RTE_SDK}

if [ -z ${RTE_TARGET} ]; then echo "*** RTE_TARGET is not set, did you forget to do 'sudo -E ./tools/'" target=x86_64-pktgen-linuxapp-gcc else target=${RTE_TARGET} fi

echo "Using directory: "$sdk"/"$target

function nr_hugepages_fn { echo /sys/devices/system/node/node${1}/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages }

function num_cpu_sockets { local sockets=0 while [ -f $(nr_hugepages_fn $sockets) ]; do sockets=$(( $sockets + 1 )) done echo $sockets if [ $sockets -eq 0 ]; then echo "Huge TLB support not found make sure you are using a kernel >= 2.6.34" >&2 exit 1 fi }

if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then echo "You must run this script as root" >&2 exit 1 fi

rm -fr /mnt/huge/*

NR_HUGEPAGES=$(( sysctl -n vm.nr_hugepages / $(num_cpu_sockets) )) echo "Setup "$(num_cpu_sockets)" socket(s) with "$NR_HUGEPAGES" pages." for socket in $(seq 0 $(( $(num_cpu_sockets) - 1 )) ); do echo $NR_HUGEPAGES &gt; $(nr_hugepages_fn $socket) done

grep -i huge /proc/meminfo modprobe uio echo "trying to remove old igb_uio module and may get an error message, ignore it" rmmod igb_uio insmod $sdk/$target/kmod/igb_uio.ko echo "trying to remove old rte_kni module and may get an error message, ignore it" rmmod rte_kni insmod $sdk/$target/kmod/rte_kni.ko "lo_mode=lo_mode_ring"

name=uname -n if [ $name == "rkwiles-supermicro" ]; then $sdk/tools/ -b igb_uio 06:00.0 06:00.1 08:00.0 08:00.1 87:00.0 87:00.1 89:00.0 89:00.1 fi if [ $name == "rkwilesmini-i7" ]; then $sdk/tools/ -b igb_uio 01:00.1 01:00.2 01:00.3 01:00.4 fi $sdk/tools/ --status lspci |grep Ether `` ------------- setup script ----------------

If you have run pktgen before then remove the files in /mnt/huge/* before running the new version.

Running the script produces output as follows, but maybe different on your system configuration. `` rkwiles@rkwiles-DESK1 (dev):~/.../intel/pktgen$ ./tools/ ./app/app/x86_64-dnet-linuxapp-gcc/pktgen -l 1,2-9,18-19 -n 4 --proc-type auto --log-level 8 --socket-mem 10240,2048 --file-prefix pg --vdev=net_bonding1,mode=4,xmit_policy=l23,slave=0000:81:00.0,slave=0000:81:00.1,slave=0000:81:00.2,slave=0000:81:00.3 -b 05:00.0 -b 05:00.1 -b 82:00.0 -b 83:00.0 -- -I -T -P --crc-strip -m [2:3].0 -m [4:5].1 -m [6:7].2 -m [8:9].3 -m [18:19].8 -f themes/black-yellow.theme

Copyright (c) <2010-2017>, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Powered by Intel® DPDK EAL: Detected lcore 0 as core 0 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 1 as core 1 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 2 as core 2 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 3 as core 3 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 4 as core 4 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 5 as core 8 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 6 as core 9 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 7 as core 10 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 8 as core 11 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 9 as core 16 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 10 as core 17 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 11 as core 18 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 12 as core 19 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 13 as core 20 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 14 as core 24 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 15 as core 25 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 16 as core 26 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 17 as core 27 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 18 as core 0 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 19 as core 1 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 20 as core 2 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 21 as core 3 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 22 as core 4 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 23 as core 8 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 24 as core 9 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 25 as core 10 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 26 as core 11 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 27 as core 16 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 28 as core 17 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 29 as core 18 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 30 as core 19 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 31 as core 20 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 32 as core 24 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 33 as core 25 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 34 as core 26 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 35 as core 27 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 36 as core 0 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 37 as core 1 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 38 as core 2 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 39 as core 3 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 40 as core 4 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 41 as core 8 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 42 as core 9 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 43 as core 10 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 44 as core 11 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 45 as core 16 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 46 as core 17 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 47 as core 18 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 48 as core 19 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 49 as core 20 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 50 as core 24 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 51 as core 25 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 52 as core 26 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 53 as core 27 on socket 0 EAL: Detected lcore 54 as core 0 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 55 as core 1 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 56 as core 2 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 57 as core 3 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 58 as core 4 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 59 as core 8 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 60 as core 9 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 61 as core 10 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 62 as core 11 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 63 as core 16 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 64 as core 17 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 65 as core 18 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 66 as core 19 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 67 as core 20 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 68 as core 24 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 69 as core 25 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 70 as core 26 on socket 1 EAL: Detected lcore 71 as core 27 on socket 1 EAL: Support maximum 128 logical core(s) by configuration. EAL: Detected 72 lcore(s) EAL: Auto-detected process type: PRIMARY EAL: No free hugepages reported in hugepages-1048576kB EAL: Probing VFIO support... EAL: Module /sys/module/vfio_pci not found! error 2 (No such file or directory) EAL: VFIO modules not loaded, skipping VFIO support... EAL: Module /sys/module/vfio_pci not found! error 2 (No such file or directory) EAL: Setting up physically contiguous memory... EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x2fc00000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa7c3600000 (size = 0x2fc00000) EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x3cc00000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa786800000 (size = 0x3cc00000) EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x200000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa786400000 (size = 0x200000) EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x200000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa786000000 (size = 0x200000) EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x28f400000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa4f6a00000 (size = 0x28f400000) EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x200000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa4f6600000 (size = 0x200000) EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x200000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa4f6200000 (size = 0x200000) EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x200000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa4f5e00000 (size = 0x200000) EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x2fc000000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa1f9c00000 (size = 0x2fc000000) EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x200000 bytes EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fa1f9800000 (size = 0x200000) EAL: Requesting 5120 pages of size 2MB from socket 0 EAL: Requesting 1024 pages of size 2MB from socket 1 EAL: TSC frequency is ~2299980 KHz EAL: Master lcore 1 is ready (tid=f855a8c0;cpuset=[1]) EAL: lcore 7 is ready (tid=f4200700;cpuset=[7]) EAL: lcore 5 is ready (tid=f5202700;cpuset=[5]) EAL: lcore 2 is ready (tid=f6a05700;cpuset=[2]) EAL: lcore 3 is ready (tid=f6204700;cpuset=[3]) EAL: lcore 19 is ready (tid=847fc700;cpuset=[19]) EAL: lcore 6 is ready (tid=f4a01700;cpuset=[6]) EAL: lcore 9 is ready (tid=857fe700;cpuset=[9]) EAL: lcore 18 is ready (tid=84ffd700;cpuset=[18]) EAL: lcore 4 is ready (tid=f5a03700;cpuset=[4]) EAL: lcore 8 is ready (tid=85fff700;cpuset=[8]) EAL: PCI device 0000:04:00.0 on NUMA socket 0 EAL: probe driver: 8086:1572 net_i40e EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7f3200000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7f8588000 PMD: eth_i40e_dev_init(): FW 5.0 API 1.5 NVM 05.00.04 eetrack 800024ca EAL: PCI device 0000:04:00.1 on NUMA socket 0 EAL: probe driver: 8086:1572 net_i40e EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7837fc000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7f8580000 PMD: eth_i40e_dev_init(): FW 5.0 API 1.5 NVM 05.00.04 eetrack 800024ca EAL: PCI device 0000:04:00.2 on NUMA socket 0 EAL: probe driver: 8086:1572 net_i40e EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa782ffc000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7f8578000 PMD: eth_i40e_dev_init(): FW 5.0 API 1.5 NVM 05.00.04 eetrack 800024ca EAL: PCI device 0000:04:00.3 on NUMA socket 0 EAL: probe driver: 8086:1572 net_i40e EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7827fc000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7f8570000 PMD: eth_i40e_dev_init(): FW 5.0 API 1.5 NVM 05.00.04 eetrack 800024ca EAL: PCI device 0000:05:00.0 on NUMA socket 0 EAL: Device is blacklisted, not initializing EAL: PCI device 0000:05:00.1 on NUMA socket 0 EAL: Device is blacklisted, not initializing EAL: PCI device 0000:81:00.0 on NUMA socket 1 EAL: probe driver: 8086:1572 net_i40e EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa781ffc000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7f8568000 PMD: eth_i40e_dev_init(): FW 5.0 API 1.5 NVM 05.00.04 eetrack 800024ca EAL: PCI device 0000:81:00.1 on NUMA socket 1 EAL: probe driver: 8086:1572 net_i40e EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7817fc000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7f8560000 PMD: eth_i40e_dev_init(): FW 5.0 API 1.5 NVM 05.00.04 eetrack 800024ca EAL: PCI device 0000:81:00.2 on NUMA socket 1 EAL: probe driver: 8086:1572 net_i40e EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa780ffc000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7f841f000 PMD: eth_i40e_dev_init(): FW 5.0 API 1.5 NVM 05.00.04 eetrack 800024ca EAL: PCI device 0000:81:00.3 on NUMA socket 1 EAL: probe driver: 8086:1572 net_i40e EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7807fc000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fa7f8417000 PMD: eth_i40e_dev_init(): FW 5.0 API 1.5 NVM 05.00.04 eetrack 800024ca EAL: PCI device 0000:82:00.0 on NUMA socket 1 EAL: Device is blacklisted, not initializing EAL: PCI device 0000:83:00.0 on NUMA socket 1 EAL: Device is blacklisted, not initializing EAL: Initializing pmd_bond for net_bonding1 PMD: Using mode 4, it is necessary to do TX burst and RX burst at least every 100ms. EAL: Create bonded device net_bonding1 on port 8 in mode 4 on socket 0.

Copyright (c) <2010-2017>, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Pktgen created by: Keith Wiles -- >>> Powered by Intel® DPDK <<<

Lua 5.3.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2016, PUC-Rio

Packet Burst 32, RX Desc 512, TX Desc 1024, mbufs/port 8192, mbuf cache 1024

=== port to lcore mapping table (# lcores 11) === lcore: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Total port 0: ( D: T) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) = ( 1: 1) port 1: ( D: T) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) = ( 1: 1) port 2: ( D: T) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) = ( 1: 1) port 3: ( D: T) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) = ( 1: 1) port 8: ( D: T) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) = ( 1: 1) Total : ( 0: 0) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 0: 0) ( 1: 0) ( 0: 1) Display and Timer on lcore 1, rx:tx counts per port/lcore

Configuring 9 ports, MBUF Size 1920, MBUF Cache Size 1024 Lcore: 2, RX-Only RX_cnt( 1): (pid= 0:qid= 0) 3, TX-Only TX_cnt( 1): (pid= 0:qid= 0) 4, RX-Only RX_cnt( 1): (pid= 1:qid= 0) 5, TX-Only TX_cnt( 1): (pid= 1:qid= 0) 6, RX-Only RX_cnt( 1): (pid= 2:qid= 0) 7, TX-Only TX_cnt( 1): (pid= 2:qid= 0) 8, RX-Only RX_cnt( 1): (pid= 3:qid= 0) 9, TX-Only TX_cnt( 1): (pid= 3:qid= 0) 18, RX-Only RX_cnt( 1): (pid= 8:qid= 0) 19, TX-Only TX_cnt( 1): (pid= 8:qid= 0)

Port : 0, nb_lcores 2, private 0x9a54c0, lcores: 2 3 1, nb_lcores 2, private 0x9a7820, lcores: 4 5 2, nb_lcores 2, private 0x9a9b80, lcores: 6 7 3, nb_lcores 2, private 0x9abee0, lcores: 8 9 8, nb_lcores 2, private 0x9b6fc0, lcores: 18 19

** Default Info (0000:04:00.0, if_index:0) ** max_vfs : 0, min_rx_bufsize :1024, max_rx_pktlen : 9728 max_rx_queues : 192, max_tx_queues : 192 max_mac_addrs : 64, max_hash_mac_addrs: 0, max_vmdq_pools: 32 rx_offload_capa: 47, tx_offload_capa :8127, reta_size : 512, flow_type_rss_offloads:0000000000007ef8 vmdq_queue_base: 64, vmdq_queue_num : 128, vmdq_pool_base: 1 ** RX Conf ** pthresh : 8, hthresh : 8, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 32, Drop Enable : 0, Deferred Start : 0 ** TX Conf ** pthresh : 32, hthresh : 0, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 32, RS Thresh : 32, Deferred Start : 0, TXQ Flags:00000f01

Create: Default RX  0:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176

PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=0, queue=0. Set RX queue stats mapping pid 0, q 0, lcore 2

Create: Default TX  0:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Range TX    0:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Sequence TX 0:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Special TX  0:0  - Memory used (MBUFs   64 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =    129 KB headroom 128 2176

PMD: i40e_set_tx_function_flag(): Vector tx can be enabled on this txq.

                                                                   Port memory used =  65665 KB

Initialize Port 0 -- TxQ 1, RxQ 1, Src MAC 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8

** Default Info (0000:04:00.1, if_index:0) ** max_vfs : 0, min_rx_bufsize :1024, max_rx_pktlen : 9728 max_rx_queues : 192, max_tx_queues : 192 max_mac_addrs : 64, max_hash_mac_addrs: 0, max_vmdq_pools: 32 rx_offload_capa: 47, tx_offload_capa :8127, reta_size : 512, flow_type_rss_offloads:0000000000007ef8 vmdq_queue_base: 64, vmdq_queue_num : 128, vmdq_pool_base: 1 ** RX Conf ** pthresh : 8, hthresh : 8, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 32, Drop Enable : 0, Deferred Start : 0 ** TX Conf ** pthresh : 32, hthresh : 0, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 32, RS Thresh : 32, Deferred Start : 0, TXQ Flags:00000f01

Create: Default RX  1:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176

PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=1, queue=0. Set RX queue stats mapping pid 1, q 0, lcore 4

Create: Default TX  1:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Range TX    1:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Sequence TX 1:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Special TX  1:0  - Memory used (MBUFs   64 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =    129 KB headroom 128 2176

PMD: i40e_set_tx_function_flag(): Vector tx can be enabled on this txq.

                                                                   Port memory used =  65665 KB

Initialize Port 1 -- TxQ 1, RxQ 1, Src MAC 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9

** Default Info (0000:04:00.2, if_index:0) ** max_vfs : 0, min_rx_bufsize :1024, max_rx_pktlen : 9728 max_rx_queues : 192, max_tx_queues : 192 max_mac_addrs : 64, max_hash_mac_addrs: 0, max_vmdq_pools: 32 rx_offload_capa: 47, tx_offload_capa :8127, reta_size : 512, flow_type_rss_offloads:0000000000007ef8 vmdq_queue_base: 64, vmdq_queue_num : 128, vmdq_pool_base: 1 ** RX Conf ** pthresh : 8, hthresh : 8, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 32, Drop Enable : 0, Deferred Start : 0 ** TX Conf ** pthresh : 32, hthresh : 0, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 32, RS Thresh : 32, Deferred Start : 0, TXQ Flags:00000f01

Create: Default RX  2:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176

PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=2, queue=0. Set RX queue stats mapping pid 2, q 0, lcore 6

Create: Default TX  2:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Range TX    2:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Sequence TX 2:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Special TX  2:0  - Memory used (MBUFs   64 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =    129 KB headroom 128 2176

PMD: i40e_set_tx_function_flag(): Vector tx can be enabled on this txq.

                                                                   Port memory used =  65665 KB

Initialize Port 2 -- TxQ 1, RxQ 1, Src MAC 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:da

** Default Info (0000:04:00.3, if_index:0) ** max_vfs : 0, min_rx_bufsize :1024, max_rx_pktlen : 9728 max_rx_queues : 192, max_tx_queues : 192 max_mac_addrs : 64, max_hash_mac_addrs: 0, max_vmdq_pools: 32 rx_offload_capa: 47, tx_offload_capa :8127, reta_size : 512, flow_type_rss_offloads:0000000000007ef8 vmdq_queue_base: 64, vmdq_queue_num : 128, vmdq_pool_base: 1 ** RX Conf ** pthresh : 8, hthresh : 8, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 32, Drop Enable : 0, Deferred Start : 0 ** TX Conf ** pthresh : 32, hthresh : 0, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 32, RS Thresh : 32, Deferred Start : 0, TXQ Flags:00000f01

Create: Default RX  3:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176

PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=3, queue=0. Set RX queue stats mapping pid 3, q 0, lcore 8

Create: Default TX  3:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Range TX    3:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Sequence TX 3:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Special TX  3:0  - Memory used (MBUFs   64 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =    129 KB headroom 128 2176

PMD: i40e_set_tx_function_flag(): Vector tx can be enabled on this txq.

                                                                   Port memory used =  65665 KB

Initialize Port 3 -- TxQ 1, RxQ 1, Src MAC 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:db

** Default Info (net_bonding1, if_index:0) ** max_vfs : 0, min_rx_bufsize : 0, max_rx_pktlen : 2048 max_rx_queues : 128, max_tx_queues : 512 max_mac_addrs : 1, max_hash_mac_addrs: 0, max_vmdq_pools: 0 rx_offload_capa: 0, tx_offload_capa : 0, reta_size : 0, flow_type_rss_offloads:00000000003ffffc vmdq_queue_base: 0, vmdq_queue_num : 0, vmdq_pool_base: 0 ** RX Conf ** pthresh : 0, hthresh : 0, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 0, Drop Enable : 0, Deferred Start : 0 ** TX Conf ** pthresh : 0, hthresh : 0, wthresh : 0 Free Thresh : 0, RS Thresh : 0, Deferred Start : 0, TXQ Flags:00000000

Create: Default RX  8:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
  Set RX queue stats mapping pid 8, q 0, lcore 18

Create: Default TX  8:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Range TX    8:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Sequence TX 8:0  - Memory used (MBUFs 8192 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =  16385 KB headroom 128 2176
Create: Special TX  8:0  - Memory used (MBUFs   64 x (size 1920 + Hdr 128)) + 192 =    129 KB headroom 128 2176

                                                                   Port memory used =  65665 KB

Initialize Port 8 -- TxQ 1, RxQ 1, Src MAC 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:b8 Total memory used = 328325 KB PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Vector tx finally be used. PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Vector rx enabled, please make sure RX burst size no less than 4 (port=0). PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Vector tx finally be used. PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Vector rx enabled, please make sure RX burst size no less than 4 (port=1). PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Vector tx finally be used. PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Vector rx enabled, please make sure RX burst size no less than 4 (port=2). PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Vector tx finally be used. PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Vector rx enabled, please make sure RX burst size no less than 4 (port=3). **** nb_rx_queues 2 PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=4, queue=0. PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=4, queue=1. PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Xmit tx finally be used. PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Vector rx enabled, please make sure RX burst size no less than 4 (port=4). **** nb_rx_queues 2 PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=5, queue=0. PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=5, queue=1. PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Xmit tx finally be used. PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Vector rx enabled, please make sure RX burst size no less than 4 (port=5). **** nb_rx_queues 2 PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=6, queue=0. PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=6, queue=1. PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Xmit tx finally be used. PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Vector rx enabled, please make sure RX burst size no less than 4 (port=6). **** nb_rx_queues 2 PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=7, queue=0. PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=7, queue=1. PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Xmit tx finally be used. PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Vector rx enabled, please make sure RX burst size no less than 4 (port=7). Port 0: Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex Port 1: Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex Port 2: Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex Port 3: Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex Port 8: Link Up - speed 40000 Mbps - full-duplex

=== Display processing on lcore 1 RX processing lcore: 2 rx: 1 tx: 0 For RX found 1 port(s) for lcore 2 TX processing lcore: 3 rx: 0 tx: 1 For TX found 1 port(s) for lcore 3 RX processing lcore: 4 rx: 1 tx: 0 For RX found 1 port(s) for lcore 4 TX processing lcore: 5 rx: 0 tx: 1 For TX found 1 port(s) for lcore 5 RX processing lcore: 6 rx: 1 tx: 0 For RX found 1 port(s) for lcore 6 TX processing lcore: 7 rx: 0 tx: 1 For TX found 1 port(s) for lcore 7 RX processing lcore: 8 rx: 1 tx: 0 For RX found 1 port(s) for lcore 8 TX processing lcore: 9 rx: 0 tx: 1 For TX found 1 port(s) for lcore 9 RX processing lcore: 18 rx: 1 tx: 0 For RX found 1 port(s) for lcore 18 TX processing lcore: 19 rx: 0 tx: 1 For TX found 1 port(s) for lcore 19 ``

/ Ports 0-3 of 9

Copyright (c) <2010-2016>, Intel Corporation Flags:Port : P--------------:0 P--------------:1 P--------------:2 P--------------:3 Link State : ----TotalRate---- Pkts/s Max/Rx : 3/1 3/1 3/1 3/1 12/4 Max/Tx : 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 12/4 MBits/s Rx/Tx : 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 Broadcast : 0 0 0 0 Multicast : 0 0 0 0 64 Bytes : 0 0 0 0 65-127 : 0 0 0 0 128-255 : 22 22 22 22 256-511 : 0 0 0 0 512-1023 : 0 0 0 0 1024-1518 : 0 0 0 0 Runts/Jumbos : 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 Errors Rx/Tx : 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 Total Rx Pkts : 21 21 21 21 Tx Pkts : 0 0 0 0 Rx MBs : 0 0 0 0 Tx MBs : 0 0 0 0 ARP/ICMP Pkts : 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 : Pattern Type : abcd... abcd... abcd... abcd... Tx Count/% Rate : Forever /100% Forever /100% Forever /100% Forever /100% PktSize/Tx Burst : 64 / 32 64 / 32 64 / 32 64 / 32 Src/Dest Port : 1234 / 5678 1234 / 5678 1234 / 5678 1234 / 5678 Pkt Type:VLAN ID : IPv4 / TCP:0001 IPv4 / TCP:0001 IPv4 / TCP:0001 IPv4 / TCP:0001 Dst IP Address : Src IP Address : Dst MAC Address : 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:db 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:da Src MAC Address : 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:da 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:db VendID/PCI Addr : 8086:1572/04:00.0 8086:1572/04:00.1 8086:1572/04:00.2 8086:1572/04:00.3

-- Pktgen Ver: 3.2.0 (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0) Powered by Intel® DPDK ---------------

Pktgen:/> quit $ ``

`` *** Pktgen Help information ***

page - Show the port pages or configuration or sequence page [0-7] - Page of different ports main - Display page zero range - Display the range packet page config | cfg - Display the configuration page pcap - Display the pcap page cpu - Display some information about the CPU system next - Display next page of PCAP packets. sequence | seq - sequence will display a set of packets for a given port Note: use the 'port ' to display a new port sequence rnd - Display the random bitfields to packets for a given port Note: use the 'port ' to display a new port sequence log - Display the log messages page latency - Display the latency page stats - Display physical ports stats for all ports

enable|disable Feature - process - Enable or Disable processing of ARP/ICMP/IPv4/IPv6 packets mpls - Enable/disable sending MPLS entry in packets qinq - Enable/disable sending Q-in-Q header in packets gre - Enable/disable GRE support gre_eth - Enable/disable GRE with Ethernet frame payload vlan - Enable/disable VLAN tagging garp - Enable or Disable GARP packet processing and update MAC address random - Enable/disable Random packet support latency - Enable/disable latency testing pcap - Enable or Disable sending pcap packets on a portlist blink - Blink LED on port(s) rx_tap - Enable/Disable RX Tap support tx_tap - Enable/Disable TX Tap support icmp - Enable/Disable sending ICMP packets range - Enable or Disable the given portlist for sending a range of packets capture - Enable/disable packet capturing on a portlist

enable|disable screen - Enable/disable updating the screen and unlock/lock window mac_from_arp - Enable/disable MAC address from ARP packet off - screen off shortcut on - screen on shortcut

set value - Set a few port values - a list of ports as 2,4,6-9,12 or the word 'all' count - number of packets to transmit size - size of the packet to transmit rate - Packet rate in percentage burst - number of packets in a burst sport - Source port number for TCP dport - Destination port number for TCP prime - Set the number of packets to send on prime command seq_cnt - Set the number of packet in the sequence to send dump - Dump the next received packets to the screen vlanid - Set the VLAN ID value for the portlist jitter - Set the jitter threshold in micro-seconds mpls entry - Set the MPLS entry for the portlist (must be specified in hex) gre_key - Set the GRE key mac dst|src - Set MAC addresses 00:11:22:33:44:55 You can use 0011:2233:4455 format as well set jitter - Set the jitter value set type ipv4|ipv6|vlan|arp - Set the packet type to IPv4 or IPv6 or VLAN set proto udp|tcp|icmp - Set the packet protocol to UDP or TCP or ICMP per port set pattern - Set the fill pattern type type - abc - Default pattern of abc string none - No fill pattern, maybe random data zero - Fill of zero bytes user - User supplied string of max 16 bytes set user pattern - A 16 byte string, must set 'pattern user' command set [src|dst] ip ipaddr - Set IP addresses set ports_per_page - Set ports per page value 1 - 6 set qinqids - Set the Q-in-Q ID's for the portlist set rnd - Set random mask for all transmitted packets from portlist idx: random mask slot off: offset in packets, where to apply mask mask: up to 32 bit long mask specification (empty to disable): 0: bit will be 0 1: bit will be 1 .: bit will be ignored (original value is retained) X: bit will get random value

-- Setup the packet range values -- range [dst|src] mac - Set destination/source MAC address range [src|dst] ip - Set source IP start address range proto [tcp|udp] - Set the IP protocol type (alias range.proto) range [src|dst] port - Set UDP/TCP source/dest port number range vlan - Set vlan id start address range size - Set pkt size start address range teid - Set TEID value range mpls entry - Set MPLS entry value range qinq index - Set QinQ index values range gre key - Set GRE key value - SMMI = start|min|max|inc (start, minimum, maximum, increment)

sequence <seq#> dst src dst src sport dport ipv4|ipv6 udp|tcp|icmp vlan pktsize [teid ] sequence <seq#> ipv4|ipv6 udp|tcp|icmp [] - Set the sequence packet information, make sure the src-IP has the netmask value eg

pcap show - Show PCAP information pcap index - Move the PCAP file index to the given packet number, 0 - rewind, -1 - end of file pcap filter - PCAP filter string to filter packets on receive

start - Start transmitting packets stop - Stop transmitting packets stp - Stop all ports from transmitting str - Start all ports transmitting start prime - Transmit packets on each port listed. See set prime command above start arp - Send a ARP type packet type - request | gratuitous | req | grat

debug l2p - Dump out internal lcore to port mapping debug tx_debug - Enable tx debug output debug mempool - Dump out the mempool info for a given type debug pdump - Hex dump the first packet to be sent, single packet mode only

save - Save a configuration file using the filename load - Load a command/script file from the given path script - Execute the Lua script code in file ( lua 'lua string' - Execute the Lua code in the string needs quotes geometry - Set the display geometry Columns by Rows (ColxRow) clear stats - Clear the statistics clr - Clear all Statistices reset - Reset the configuration the ports to the default rst - Reset the configuration for all ports ports per page [1-6] - Set the number of ports displayed per page port - Sets the sequence packets to display for a given port restart - Restart or stop a ethernet port and restart ping4 - Send a IPv4 ICMP echo request on the given portlist

theme - Set color for item with fg/bg color and attribute value theme show - List the item strings, colors and attributes to the items theme save - Save the current color theme to a file

   Flags: P---------------- - Promiscuous mode enabled
           E                - ICMP Echo enabled
            A               - Send ARP Request flag
             G              - Send Gratuitous ARP flag
              C             - TX Cleanup flag
               p            - PCAP enabled flag
                S           - Send Sequence packets enabled
                 R          - Send Range packets enabled
                  D         - DPI Scanning enabled (If Enabled)
                   I        - Process packets on input enabled
                    *       - Using TAP interface for this port can be [-rt*]
                     L      - Send Latency packets                          V     - Send VLAN ID tag
                      M     - Send MPLS header
                      Q     - Send Q-in-Q tags
                       g    - Process GARP packets
                        g   - Perform GRE with IPv4 payload
                        G   - Perform GRE with Ethernet payload
                         C  - Capture received packets
                          R - Random bitfield(s) are applied

Notes: - Use enable|disable or on|off to set the state. - a list of ports (no spaces) as 2,4,6-9,12 or 3-5,8 or 5 or the word 'all' Color best seen on a black background for now To see a set of example Lua commands see the files in wr-examples/pktgen/test ``

`` \ Copyright (c) <2010-2016>, Intel Corporation Port: 0, Sequence Count: 4 of 16 GTPu Seq: Dst MAC Src MAC Dst IP Src IP Port S/D Protocol:VLAN Size TEID

  • 0: 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8 1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001 64 0
  • 1: 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8 1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001 64 0
  • 2: 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8 1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001 64 0
  • 3: 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8 1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001 64 0

-- Pktgen Ver: 3.2.0 (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0) Powered by Intel® DPDK ---------------

Pktgen:/> set all seq_cnt 4 Pktgen:/> ``

`` | Port 0 Copyright (c) <2010-2016>, Intel Corporation Index Offset Act? Mask [0 = 0 bit, 1 = 1 bit, X = random bit, . = ignore] 0 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 2 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 4 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 5 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 6 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 9 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 11 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 12 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 13 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 14 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 15 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 16 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 17 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 18 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 19 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 20 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 21 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 22 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 23 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 24 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 25 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 26 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 27 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 28 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 29 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 30 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 31 0 No 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 -- Pktgen Ver: 3.2.0 (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0) Powered by Intel® DPDK ---------------

Pktgen:/> ``

-- Example command lines. ./app/pktgen -l 0-8 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 256,256 -- -P -m "[1:3].0, [2:4].1, [5:7].2, [6:8].3" -s 0:pcap/large.pcap ./app/pktgen -l 0-4 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 128,128 --file-prefix pg -- -P -m "[1:3].0, [2:4].1, [5:7].2, [6:8].3" -s 0:pcap/test1.pcap -s 1:pcap/large.pcap ./app/pktgen -l 0-4 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 128,128 --file-prefix pg -- -P -m "[1:3].0, [2:4].1, [5:7].2, [6:8].3" -s 0:pcap/test1.pcap -s 1:pcap/large.pcap ./app/pktgen -l 1-3 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 128,128 --file-prefix pg -- -P -m "2.0, 3.1" ./app/pktgen -l 0-8 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 256,256 -- -P -m "[1:3].0, [2:4].1, [5:7].2, [6:8].3"

A command line passing in a pktgen/test/set_seq.pkt file to help initialize pktgen with some default values and configurations. You can also replace the filename using the '-f' command with a Lua script file ending in .lua instead of .pkt. BTW, if the filename ends in anything other then .lua it is treated as a .pkt file.

./app/pktgen -l 0-4 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 128,128 -- -P -m "[1:3].0, [2:4].1" -f test/set_seq.pkt

-- test/set_seq.pkt seq 0 all 0000:4455:6677 0000:1234:5678 5 6 ipv4 udp 1 128 set all seqCnt 1 The set_seq.pkt command file can also be one of the files in pktgen/test directory, which are Lua based scripts instead of command line scripts as in set_seq.pkt file.

-- test/set_seq.lua The Lua version is easier to remember the layout of the agruments if you want to use that one instead of set_seq.pkt file.

`` ./app/pktgen -l 0-4 -n 3 --proc-type auto --socket-mem 128,128 -- -P -m "[1:3].0, [2:4].1" -f test/set_seq.lua`

-- The '--' is a comment in Lua local seq_table = { -- entries can be in any order ["eth_dst_addr"] = "0011:4455:6677", ["eth_src_addr"] = "0011:1234:5678", ["ip_dst_addr"] = "", ["ip_src_addr"] = "", -- the 16 is the size of the mask value ["sport"] = 9, -- Standard port numbers ["dport"] = 10, -- Standard port numbers ["ethType"] = "ipv4", -- ipv4|ipv6 ["ipProto"] = "udp", -- udp|tcp|icmp ["vlanid"] = 1, -- 1 - 4095 ["pktSize"] = 128 -- 64 - 1518 }; -- seqTable( seq#, portlist, table ); pktgen.seqTable(0, "all", seq_table ); pktgen.set("all", "seqCnt", 1); ``

-- Two Pktgens running on the same machine with connected via a loopback ports

Look at the two new files and for some help on the configuration to run two pktgens at the same time on the same machine.

-- Socket Support for Pktgen.

Pktgen has a TCP socket connection to allow you to control Pktgen from a remote program or console. The TCP connection is using port 0x5606 or 22022 and presents a Lua command shell interface. If you telnet to the machine running Pktgen on port 22022 you will get a lua command shell like interface. This interface does not have a command line prompt, but you can issue Lua code or load script files from the local disk of the machine. You can also send programs to the remote Pktgen machine to load scripts from a remote location.

One method to connect to Pktgen is using telnet, but another method would be to use 'socat' program on a Linux machine. The socat program is very powerfull application and can do a lot of things. I used socat to debug Pktgen using the following command, which gives me a readline inteface to Pktgen's socket interface.

$ socat -d -d READLINE TCP4:localhost:22022

'You will see socat create the connection and then wait for Lua command scripts for you' To exit this command type Control-D to exit and close the connection.

You can also just send Pktgen a script file and display the ouptut.

$ socat - TCP4:localhost:22022 < test/hello-world.lua

Lua Vesrion: Lua 5.2 Pktgen Version : 2.9.x Pktgen Copyright : Copyright (c) <2010-2016>, Intel Corporation Pktgen Authors : Keith Wiles @ Intel Corporation

Hello World!!!!

Here is the program I sent Pktgen:

$ cat test/hello-world.lua package.path = package.path ..";?.lua;test/?.lua;app/?.lua;"

printf("Lua Vesrion: %s\n",; printf("Pktgen Version : %s\n",; printf("Pktgen Copyright : %s\n",; printf("Pktgen Authors : %s\n",;

printf("\nHello World!!!!\n");

Here is a command from my Mac Book pro laptop, which loads a file from the local disk where Pktgen is running and then we execute the file with 'f()'.

$ socat READLINE TCP4: f,e = loadfile("test/hello-world.lua") f() Lua Version: Lua 5.2 Pktgen Version : 2.9.x Pktgen Copyright : Copyright (c) <2010-2016>, Intel Corporation Pktgen Authors : Keith Wiles @ Intel Corporation

Hello World!!!!

You can also just send it commands via echo.

$ echo "f,e = loadfile('test/hello-world.lua'); f();"| socat - TCP4: Lua Version: Lua 5.2 Pktgen Version : 2.9.x Pktgen Copyright : Copyright (c) <2010-2016>, Intel Corporation Pktgen Authors : Keith Wiles @ Intel Corporation

Hello World!!!!

Keith Wiles @ Intel Corporation