To get started with Vital quickstart, start with reading our Docs
The first step is to obtain your credentials from the Vital Dashboard.
Once you have done this:
# Copy the .env.example file:
cp .env.example .env
# Fill all the env variables in the .env file
# Run this copies the environment variables into the correct locations
# Run Docker
docker compose up --build
# Run
cd backend/python
# Note: must use python 3
# For virtualenv users:
# virtualenv venv
# source venv/bin/activate
poetry shell
poetry install
# While still in the shell, start the backend app
cd ../../ && ./
To run the frontend:
# Install dependencies
cd quickstart/frontend
npm install
# Start the frontend app
npm run dev
# Go to http://localhost:3000
Head to localhost:3000 and begin interacting with the frontend Head to localhost:8000 to begin interacting with the backend.