- Dependencies
- All build-time dependencies must be defined in
- It also necessaries add do
- It also necessaries add do
it just added if the library has an specific dependencies
- All build-time dependencies must be defined in
- Testing library
- Use demo application for validate your library
- Use
npm link
to validate integration resources link
Building with Rollup
- Apart from compile TS to JS, it is currently prepared to handle fonts, images (svg,png,jpg,jpeg,gif) and json
- fonts are copied and referenced
- JSONs are embeded in the bundle
- Images are encoded to base64 and are bundled or chunked
- Do not forget to delete MyComponent
- It is only a sample
- Edit Readme, filling template below with valid information
- Edit Changelog to reflect new library
- For new components, use the template below to describe it
- Props
interface MyComponentProps {
children: ReactChild
- Usage
import { MyComponent } from 'react-library-architecture';