Neovim plugin for École 42.
This plugin is still in early development. Breaking changes are expected.
- 42 Header: Utilities to manage the 42 header in your files.
- Norminette Integration: Use norminette as a diagnostics source.
You can install the plugin using your favorite package manager:
---@type LazySpec
return {
cmd = { "FtHeader", "Norme" }, -- Lazy load the commands.
ft = { "c", "cpp" }, -- Lazy load for .c and .h files.
---@type ft_nvim.Config
opts = {},
cmd = { "FtHeader", "Norme" }, -- Lazy load the commands.
ft = { "c", "cpp" }, -- Lazy load for .c and .h files.
config = function()
- Neovim's built-in package manager
git clone --depth 1 \
The plugin can be configured by calling the setup
function and passing an optional configuration object.
The following options are available:
-- Configures the 42 Header integration
header = {
-- Enable the 42 Header integration (default: true).
enable = true,
-- Your Intranet username (default: "marvin").
username = "marvin",
-- Your Intranet email (default: "").
email = "",
-- Configures the norminette integration.
norminette = {
-- Enable the norminette integration (default: true).
enable = true,
-- The command to run norminette (default: "norminette").
cmd = "norminette",
-- A function to conditionally enable the norminette integration (default: nil)
condition = function()
return true