To develop a comprehensive credit card weekly dashboard that provides real-time insights into key performance metrics and trends, enabling stakeholders to monitor and analyze credit card operations effectively.
- Credit Card Financial Dataset
- Credit Card Customer Dataset
- Credit Card Financial Dataset Add week 53
- Credit Card Customer Dataset Add week 53
- Excel
- Power BI
- Prepare csv file in Excel
- Create tables in SQL
- import csv file into SQL
- Connect MySQL Database with Power BI and Load Data
- Data processing & DAX
- Dashboard Creation & insights
- Load week 53 (31st Dec) Data into SQL
- Refresh Power BI Dashboard
- Insights
Revenue increased by 28.8%
Total Transaction Amt & Count increased by 35% & 3.4%
Customer count increased by 12.8%
Overall revenue is 57M
Total interest is 8M
Total transaction amount is 46M
Male customers are contributing more in revenue 31M, female 26M
Blue & Silver credit card are contributing to 93.5% of overall transactions
TX, NY & CA is contributing to 68.8%
Overall Activation rate is 57.5%
Overall Delinquent rate is 6.06%
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at Linkedin: