An R Shiny App for Conway´s Game of Life.
click here to play it online in your browser
This is an R package which contains an R Shiny App for
Conway´s Game of Life.
- A live cell with two or three live neighbours survives - otherwise it dies.
- A dead cell with three live neighbours becomes a live cell.
At time point zero, the player uses their mouse to click some cells to life. Then, the cells evolve over time and show all sorts of interesting behavior. There are also preset patterns which can be loaded.
To install and play the game locally, use
in RStudio and then open the app with livelycells::play()
in a web browser.
Aside from shiny, livelycells has no dependencies.
However, this app was built with the help of code under the MIT license from the
pixeltrix package by Matt Dray.