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This repository is no longer in development. Please use Civilization II User Interface Additions by @FoxAhead instead.

Civilization 2 Multiplayer Gold Edition Patch


The project modifies Civilization 2 Multiplyer Gold Edition to include additional features and fixes.


Only the unmodified Civilization 2 Multiplyer Gold Edition v1.3 US version is supported.


Extract all of the files into the folder where Civilization 2 Multiplyer Gold Edition is installed. Launch civ2patch.exe.


When running for the very first time, a configuration file civ2patch.ini will be created.


All of the fields in the Options section are feature toggles. To enable a feature, set the value to 1. To disable a feature, set the value to 0.

  • Log When enabled, error messages will be written to the civ2patch.log file.
  • Music When enabled, the application will look in the Music folder and play MP3 or OGG tracks. The name of the files must be in the format of Track##.mp3 or Track##.ogg, where ## is the 2 digits track number.
  • Multiplayer When enabled, SDL will be used for networking instead of Winsock.
  • FixCpuUsage When enabled, reduce CPU usage when the application is idle.
  • Fix64BitCompatibility When enabled, patch the application to run on 64-bit Windows.
  • DisableCdCheck When enabled, allow the application to run without the game CD.
  • DisableHostileAi When enabled, AI will not be unreasonably hostile to the player.
  • SetRetirementYear When enabled, allow the retirement year to be modified.
  • SetCombatAnimationFrameLength When enabled, allow the combat animation speed to be modified.
  • SetPopulationLimit When enabled, allow the population limit to be modified.
  • SetGoldLimit When enabled, allow the gold limit to be modified.
  • SetMapTilesLimit When enabled, allow the number of map tiles limit to be modified.


When the associated feature has been enabled, these fields allow the user to set the behaviour of the features.

  • RetirementYear The year at which the game will force the user to retire. (Min: 1, Max: 9999)
  • RetirementWarningYear The year at which the game will warn the user of inevitable retirement. (Min: 0, Max: RetirementYear - 1)
  • MapTilesLimit The maximum number of map tiles when generating a new map. (Min: 10000, Max: 32767)
  • PopulationLimit The maximum population in 10000. (Min: 32000, Max: 2147483647)
  • GoldLimit The maximum amount of gold. (Min: 30000, Max: 2147483647)


These fields should not be changed. Refer to the source code to see what they do.

  • PurgeMessagesInterval The time interval in milliseconds at which the Windows message queue is purged.
  • MessageWaitTimeout The time to wait for user inputs when the application idles.
  • CombatAnimationLength Reduce this number to speed up combat animation.
  • ProcessTimeToSleepTimeRatio The ratio between process time to sleep time. The lower the number, the less CPU cycles are used. However, low value may cause the game to run slowly.
  • CpuSamplingInterval The time interval in milliseconds to recalculate the process time to sleep time ratio.


These fields configures the music player when the feature is enabled.

  • Frequency The audio sampling frequency.
  • ChunkSize The audio buffer size in bytes.
  • Volume The music volume.
  • Album The soundtrack to use. This determines the number of tracks the game will recognize. (0 for MGE, 1 for Classic, 2 for Conflicts in Civilization, 3 for Fantastic Worlds)


These fields configures network connections when the feature is enabled.

  • ConnectionPort The TCP port for connecting to the server/client. (Min: 1024, Max: 65535)
  • BroadcastPort The UDP port for broadcasting messages over LAN. (Min: 1024, Max: 65535)
  • ConnectionTimeout The time in milliseconds to wait for connection before disconnecting. (Min: 1000, Max: 60000)


This project uses the following tools and libraries:

Once all the software has been installed, run the Makefile to build the project.
